1. Oh honey!

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On a lovely stroll, a rainy Danish afternoon, alongside the canal. As the clouds pile on, the Rosenburg castle stood high at a distance, two figures are walking in the busiest of streets. "Hey Donkey Kong, eyes on the road." Shrieked Jimin at his friend without looking back, as he brisk walked ahead. His friend was having a hard time catching up with him. Jimin always walks so fast that other person has to basically jog in order to catch up with him. "You don't have to shout you know. It is not my fault that walk like a blizzard." Kai tried to step up, splashing a little coffee from his disposable mug.

They reached the bar where meeting was held. The person was sitting on the chair a little afar when Jimin noticed him. He strode towards him, and with blink of an eye he pulled the chair next to him and sat down. He took one glance at him and started talking. "I am Jimin, not to beat around the bush. I need the Alfa Nero Superyacht Model which you possess. Out with number." He said without looking at him.

Jimin waited for some time for him to say the amount so that he can sign the cheque and leave. When no response was heard he deeply sighed looking at his hands. "Every damn fucking time." He mumbled under his breathe.

Kai also caught up by the time and he hesitantly sat with them without saying anything, sensing the tension in the air. He knew how rude Jimin can be for people who don't know him but the fact is he is always like this. He almost never smiles, his face is always cold and intimidating, he is sarcastic as hell and when he looks at someone he can make that person's anatomy and physiology go haywire by his deep and coerce eyes. He doesn't need weapons. His eyes are enough.  

"Excuse me?" The guys said who was otherwise contemplating the coldness of Jimin until this point.  He did not even formally shake hands with him and just started talking business as soon as his ass hit the chair. Kai tried to intervene but he was abrupted by Jimin. 

Jimin flexed forward and put his hands on table leaving the blank cheque and pen aside. "See Mr. Johnson, I don't have time for your teenage wiles. If you are sitting here in front of me, I am assuming you have already made up your mind about the purchase and we could talk business." Jimin said looking deeply into his eyes. 

The guy just staggered at his place as he met Jimin's deep stare directed at him. "I-it it is not for sale." he stuttered. Jimin arched his brow at him and it felt like war of arrows to Mr. Johnson. "I got it for my wife and it has our honeymoon memories associated with it. I am sorry for the trouble." He replied trying not to meet Jimin's eyes.

"So you would rather stay with your wife by whose pussy you are repulsed and leave that poor guy hanging, whom you have been promising that you will get divorce soon and be with him?"

"What The Fuck!" the guy shouted first half of the words and ended in a whisper, looking around the crowd. The bar was not dim lit. "What? How - why- how do you know?" He asked with panic in his voice.

"Oh honey! Doing business is like getting into a new relationship. My clients are like an extending family and a good man should always know his family." Jimin replied with same tone and this time with sexiest smirk. 

The guy just gulped. "So? Number. Out with it." Jimin sat back straight and held his pen at the ready to sign.

"15 million $". The guy replied boldly. 

Jimin let a breathy chuckle out while signing the cheque.  He put his tip of index finger on paper and slid it across the table and stood up. "Pleasure doing business with you!" Jimin said and offered his hand. The guy could not help but check him out. He extended his hand and Jimin grabbed it for a firm shake. The guy thought his hands are soft and his touch gentle, unlike his personality or basically anything about him.

"Don't I deserve to know?" the guy yelled as Jimin and Kai started walking away. Jimin turned back with a sly grin on his face. Kai was confused. "What does he mean?" He whispered to Jimin.

//Have this guy had not enough that he is poking the tiger again?// He thought.

Jimin turned and paused for a moment and then went back to him in a jiffy as the guy got startled by his speed and the close proximity between them. Jimin looked at the guy's lips and then his eyes. 

"Let me answer you in a most simple way you would understand. If I want I can sleep with your boyfriend first, and then your wife." He said and turned to walk away. The guy just stood there gulping hard. "And honey!" Jimin turned to face him again, but from a distance, "then I will fuck you."  

He stood there thunderstruck. He let out the breathe he was holding. "I have never seen anyone like him." he said out loud as he saw Jimin disappearing through the gates of the bar.  



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