33. End of World

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Taehyung enters the room and finds Jimin on the floor. He gets scared. He has never seen Jimin like this. He has come to Hawaii without informing Jimin to let him know about something but when he finds broken man in front of him he forgets everything and his instincts kick in to help the man.

"Jimin?" He strides toward him and holds his face.

"What's wrong?" He asks cupping Jimin's face and tears brim to his own eyes.

"I am fucked up Taehyung. I don't deserve to be called a human." Jimin breaks down again.

"No Jimin. You are one of the kindest people I know. Shh. Don't say that." He hugs the man tight and rocks him slowly.

"I hurt you. I know about your feelings for me but I never let you speak. Ignorance is not bliss anymore. I manage to break hearts of people who love me. I don't deserve anyone." Jimin kept saying with a cracking voice.

"No Jimin. I love you. Please don't say that. Many people love you. You deserve love. You just need to let someone love you in return. You have to stop being scared. Please." Taehyung retorts.

"I can't. I hurt you. I will hurt him too. I don't think he will love the monster he will see." Jimin was crying and breathing heavily.

Taehyung felt like his heart was pierced with a saw. He felt that may be, just may be, Jimin will give him a chance and he would forgot about the person who actually have loved him, despite him being emotionally absent for that person. His boyfriend who he met back at home and they have now planned to move-in together. That is what he came here to tell Jimin but for Jimin he could throw away anything.

He felt terrible. He has not been completely honest with his boy friend. He did not know anything about this person who Jimin has given his heart to but he was jealous. Oh he was more than jealous. He was thirsty for Jimin's love for long. In this moment he felt like to be selfish. He did not think about his boyfriend. He did not think about the person who made Jimin crying like this. He wanted to take one last chance. How could he let his love go so easily? He wanted to run away from toxicity but now that he is here, he wants nothing more than Jimin.

Love is selfless is what they show in movies but that's not how Taehyung felt. He wanted those two lips in front of him. He wanted one throbbing heart which belonged to someone else. He wanted those two deep eyes for him. He wanted all of Jimin to himself. He did not care about hurting his boyfriend by doing so. He could not think anything else than to give himself to Jimin and to comfort him.

He kissed Jimin's cheeks hesitantly but Jimin did not stop him. He tried to go to his lips but this time the other male reacted and pulled him up wrapping an arm around his waist.

Jimin picks Taehyung and attacks his neck while the younger moans in pleasure. He throws him on the bed and starts undressing him. The moment becomes heated and then comes end of the world for them.


"Pete, you were right. I do have feelings for Jimin but he hates me." Jungkook started to cry in the passenger seat and Pete wanted to tend to him but he thought it would be better to keep driving to the doctor.

"Don't cry Jungkook. I am sorry I judged you and I know how hard it is for you. How difficult it is to know that person you love will never love you back." He said before he sped up as Jungkook was not breathing properly.

Pete stopped the car in panic and went to Jungkook to offer him water but boy was now wheezing hard.

Jungkook gave him his phone, and pointing at it he uttered "Doctor" in a breaking voice.

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