27. To Chile

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Jimin did not sleep a blink. He was ready to travel and had long journey ahead. Dawdling around when the needle struck 6 in the clock, he called Jungkook.


Are you up little one?

Yeah, Good morning Jimin.

Good Morning to you too. Come out whenever you are ready.

Jungkook jolted out of his room.

Are you waiting outside?

Yes, no need to rush. Take your time.

Jungkook was ready as per Ms. Saina's e-mail schedule. He needed to say good bye to Yoongi who was sleeping in next room. He faintly knocked on the door and Yoongi answered immediately.

"Hyung, I am leaving. Take care of yourself and have a safe flight back home." He told him and Jimin heard it over the phone, getting curious who he was talking to.

"Don't worry about me baby. Take care of yourself." Yoongi replied ruffling his baby brother's hair who giggled. Jungkook being youngest was always pampered and almost everyone called him baby.

"Okay, bye now. Go back to sleep." Jungkook said after breaking a hug and came out carrying one trolley.

Jimin was hearing everything. How dare the man call Jungkook his baby? Was he Min Yoongi from the last night party? Are these two in relationship? Did they sleep together?

Jealousy crept in Jimin and his heart beat went haywire and uneven. There was a pinch of fear mixed in it. He needs Jungkook. The little one is his. How can somebody else claim him?

He whelve the questions down and got out of the car to see his fresh ray of sunshine and immediately felt relief hit him. Sleepless night was also not doing well with him. "Hey little one." Jimin exclaimed as Jungkook approached the car and driver opened the door for him.

"Hi Jimin. What time is our flight?" He asked.

"Any time you want." Jimin replied as Jungkook got in and car door was closed.

"Huh?" He uttered.


They entered in the airport and the luggage was carried by the airport staff. Jungkook was not surprised at all with the VIP treatment and then he saw the air steward escorting them towards the private plane.

Well, Jungkook could not have known it was private except he read the huge blue board which said 'Private Departures'.

Oh! The boy was intrigued. He has never dreamt of flying in private jet. He looked lost, curiously looking around.

Jimin chuckled himself but his heart was still not okay as he kept thinking about the man. He wanted to ask Ms. Saina to do the research on him but did not get time.

The steward left after wishing a good flight to the men and flying staff greeted them inside the plane.

"Welcome onboard, Sir. We wish you a pleasant flight." The man said who would fly with them.

"Thank you." Both replied in unison.

"I want to speak to captain." Jimin told him and the man nodded. He motioned the other staff member to take the bags and she did. She showed Jungkook his luxury bed-cum-seat in a cabin and the younger could not believe his eyes. It was even more beautiful than his house.

He ogled the carriage compartments, the snack & drinks counter and bathrooms right outside. "Sir, If you need anything please let me know." The girl smiled at him and left.

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