36. Get up Angel!

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Hobi tries to drag Yoongi away from Jimin but fails.

"Sweety no. This is not time for this." Riri pleads as she cries and Yoongi's eyes soften as he pushes Jimin's body onto the chair where he falls with a thump.

Kyla rushes to see if Jimin got injured but he looks fine. The bruise will develop in time that she is sure of.
"Are you okay, Jimin?" She asks running her hands over his cheeks.

Jimin absent-mindedly looks at her and stands up. He slowly walks away towards the door and now he looses it as he drops to the floor crying.

Hobi gulps at that and all three rush to the door. Hobi helps Jimin stand up along with Kyla, while RiRi and Yoongi looks through the crystal clear glass at their boy.

"He will be alright. It's going to be okay. Have some more patience Jimin. You waited for so long. Just give some more time. He is going to walk out this door on his legs. Please Jimin. Don't break down now." Kyla's words make him and also Hobi sniffle hard.

Hobi is confused. He never knew about Jimin. When Jungkook came home for holidays, he wanted to talk to him but could not, at last. Looking at Jimin he thinks what is crying man's relationship with his brother?

The crying sounds intensify in the corridor and Hobi puts his palm to shut his mouth and shakes uncontrollably. Yoongi's arm pats Hobi's shoulder when he turns back and finds the older motioning him to check up on Jungkook.

Few minutes pass and all of them settle quietly on the chairs and loungers in the waiting area when team of doctors come out. Jimin immediately stands up and doctor only knows him, so he ignores the others and addresses Jimin directly. "He is fine. He will be alright." He says with a small smile and Jimin holds doctor's hands between his, brings them to his forehead and cries.

It is whole new Jimin that Kyla sees. She is every bit surprised and hurt.

Doctors deal with cases like these on day to day basis but nothing prepare them to deal with what one was encountering now. He could not help but also get emotional as his eyes became glossy.

"Thank you Doctor. Thank you so much. I cannot thank you enough." Jimin cries some more and thanks the man who saved the life of one whom he wants to spend his life with.

"When will he wake up?" Riri asks the Doctor.

"Are you family?" The Doctor enquires.

"I am his sister." She replies and doctor flashes her a smile.

"Let's go to my office." Doctor tells them and they follow like lost children.

The doctor sits down and groans by the comfort of chair. The team has been constantly working on Jungkook for entire night and it was plausible that they were now tired.

"Please have seats." Doctor gestures them. "We did not have to do any major intervention but we did a minor surgery. Jungkook's lungs took a big hit along with his liver. We were afraid if anything was to be ruptured internally then it would spread as toxin inside the body." He looks at confused faces so he moves on to explain in simple terms.

"There are many small and sensitive organs in that region. Good news is that his lungs were fine but bad news is that his liver was damaged a bit. There was bile juice which oozed out and we had to remove it otherwise it would have become poison roaming freely inside the body." Doctor looks at fear stricken faces.

"But do not worry. We had to do minor surgery for suction. We have removed it successfully but his internal organs are in pretty bad shape. There is swelling in them and it will go with medication and time. He will have to be really careful to not do any physical heavy weight workouts until we advise otherwise."

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