35. Forgive Me My Love

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Kyla and Jimin settle on the seats outside ICU ward. Both did not say anything as they silently pray holding each other's hands. An hour passes and Kyla spots Zai along with Pete and others at the end of the long white corridor and she leaves Jimin's hand which breaks the man's trance and he looks over to Kyla.

She stands up and looks at Jimin to make him presentable, but it was difficult to do so. He has never been so miserable. She simply brushes his hair with fingers and holds his shoulders firmly.

"You need to be strong. Jungkook's friends are here." She looks down at sitting Jimin who nods tiredly.

Zai after spotting Ms. Saina starts to run a little and boys follow suit.

"Ms. Saina." She pants as she tries to sincerely greet her, and Kyla turns around with a best smile she could utter.

"Hey, I am glad you could make it. He is still in there." She points towards the ICU and looks at their fear-stricken faces on verge of shedding the unshed tears, if they get a little nudge but Kyla makes them comfortable, so the panic doesn't reinforce their other gloomy emotions.

"Can we see him?" Pete asks and hopes he can, even if it is from far. How it ended in a tragedy when Jungkook was with him just few hours back.

"You can go till that door of ICU ward." Kyla points at the VIP ward glass door and Pete nods as he hesitantly gawks at extremely dejected Jimin who is exiled, before rushing to get one look at the unconscious boy while others follow.

They see doctors working while Jungkook remains behind thick big green curtains. His upper half of naked body visibly wrapped in multiple bandages which makes Zai tear up.

The boys remain steady and after some time they move back and go to Jimin. It would be first time for them to talk to him directly, but they don't really know how to reach out.
"H-hello Jimin." Pete takes courage and greets the crushed man who stares at them blankly.

"We are so sorry, S-sir!" He manages to put it out while Jimin's eyes sparkle with a thick layer of liquid forming in them under the fixed white lights of hospital ceiling and they insinuate what Jimin was going through.

The man nods at them while they take in his tousled tussles haphazardly falling on his forehead, his blood-stained shirt, pale white knuckles resembling his face and lips which have gone dry.

"Um, I will go get something to drink and eat." Pete suddenly thinks that he must not have had anything to eat but Jimin does not respond letting the boy do whatever. Kyla gives him an assuring nod as he leaves with Zai.


Riri cries and Yoongi comforts her as they sit patiently in flight hoping it would fly faster. Every minute passed is like a light year to them. Hobi is accompanying the couple who also sheds tears.

"You can't break your spirits. You need to be strong for him. No one cries in front of him." Yoongi tells them both and they agree with nod. They still have 5 more long hours to go.
The accident happened 5 hours ago. They got a tragic call from Kyla an hour later and they immediately left.

Earlier in Korea

Riri could not compose herself. She had already lost more than half her family and she could not lose his baby brother who is apple of her eyes. The thought itself was so scary that it shook her to the nerves.

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