19. Untoward Favors

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Jungkook woke up rubbing his eyes when the house bell rang and slowly walked down only in his sweat pants, not caring about him being top less.

With hair all tousled over his forehead, puffy eyes and lips, he opened the door to a man who seemed to be wearing a uniform.

He handed a small box to Jungkook. "This is for you, Sir." Jungkook cluelessly took it in his hands and opened to find a key and a card.

Happy birthday! Hope you like the car.

A surge of anger ran down his entirety as he crumpled the card in his hands. "Why the fuck is Jimin not leaving him alone?"

He peeked behind and found a red sedan casually hanging out in his driveway.

"I am sorry. But I cannot accept it. Please could you take it back?" Jungkook requested the man who gulped, gawking at Jungkook's upper body, and Jungkook felt a certain discomfort with the way man was ogling him.

"I am sorry, Sir. It is all paid for. I cannot take it back. You need to sign here." The man replied handing him the papers.

Jungkook signed on it and shut the door harshly and immediately scrambled the call log to dial Jimin's digits.

"Good Morning Little one!" Jimin spoke in a sleepy voice.

"What do you think you are doing?" Jungkook almost yelled.

"I assume you did not like the gift. I can get you a bigger one. No need to get fussy." Jimin said as he stood from the bed and walked out leaving sleeping and naked Taehyung behind.

"Why would Gazillion dollar company's owner give a present to a mere employee who works for him?" Jungkook snickered.

"Think about it Jungkook! I thought you were smart." Jimin said as he wore his briefs and slumped against the couch, unfazed.

"I don't understand you, Jimin. Weren't you the one who reminded me that I was just an employee to you and I should keep my nose where it belongs?" Jungkook's tone had a bit of hurt and remonstrance.

"So you are angry at me for that. You should have said so." Jimin rolled his tongue over his words.

"Please stop sending me gifts and granting the untoward favors. I left you alone and you leave me alone too. Take back this car. I am not going to use it." Jungkook declared and he heard Jimin chuckle.

"I can't do that now. Can I?" Jimin said and he was getting more and more on Jungkook's nerve.

"What do you mean you can't do that?"

"I tried to leave you alone." Jimin said dreamily.

"What?" Jungkook asked confused.

"The car is yours and it is up to you if you want it to find it's way in a dumpster or take it out for a spin." Jimin said and he disconnected the call.


Taehyung finds his way out in the living room and kisses Jimin's nape of neck from behind while snaking his arms around him.

"What are you doing?" He asks in raspy morning voice.

"A big mistake." Jimin replies and before Taehyung asks anything else he pulls him onto his lap and stares deep into his eyes.

"Ready for another round, Baby boy?" Jimin smirks and Taehyung rolls his eyes.

"I am hungry. For food." He says and wriggles out of Jimin's grip to walk towards the virgin kitchen.

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