9. First Day

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Jungkook gets up early. Too excited to officially begin the venture of his career. He always heard or seen his seniors talking about or going to offices and boast about the magnanimity of it all.

Today he will have his own share.

He orders his breakfast in the room itself, as he is too nervous at the same time as he is excited.

He calls the reception asking to book him the next company cab. He gets ready in a simple blue trousers and white one pocket shirt.

Pacing in his enormous suite his extension rings.

"Suite 104." He utters.

"Good Morning, Mr. Jeon! Your cab is ready and waiting for you." Receptionist informs him.

"Thank you."

He slings his bag on his right shoulder where his documents are safely placed, fixes his hair one last time looking in the wall length mirror as he walks out with determination.

The office was not far. He thinks that may be that's why the new employees stay at these hotels because these are near to office.

He could not help but wonder how was the hotel like where he was supposed to stay which brings him back to the thoughts of Jimin. One week spent with him was special for him.

Tamed by his thoughts he finds himself in front of a gigantic glass door building tower. The driver enters the gate opened by security guards and car stops at the center of the open ground right in front of fountain.

He thanks the driver and gets off as he nervously enters through another glass door. The security personnel scans his bag and pockets to let him in as a cool whiff of air hits him.

Towards his left were several elevators and towards the right were many coffee shops and fast food joints. The fragrance of mocha and burger patties fills his senses as he takes out his company tag which would help him to reach the floor.

He was nervously excited to meet Jimin again. He thinks to himself that how could Jimin achieve so many things at such tender age? It makes him have more respect towards the older.

Pressing the button to eight floor, he waits for the door to open when it stops curtly to let another young man in.

He looks at him and smiles faintly. The man also had a similar company tag.  "New joiner?" He asks Jungkook.

"Yes. How about you?"

"Me too." He turns his frame towards Jungkook. "I am Pete. Nice to meet you." The man extends his hand and Jungkook politely accepts it.

"My name is Jungkook." He replies with a smile.

"Who do you work for?" He asks next.

"Jimin." Jungkook replies.

"Woah! You work directly under CEO?" Pete asks bewildered.

"Yes. Initially I was hired to work for Ms. Halia but for now I will work for Jimin." Jungkook replies.

"Woah man. Lucky you." He replies as he turns his gaze back towards the elevator door.

"Why is that?" Jungkook asks cluelessly.

"Working for CEO must have it's own perks. Right? But also it must be frightening."

"Um. I think work is work. If I do it right I don't have to be afraid of anyone. I am not so sure about perks though." Jungkook chuckles gingerly.

The conversation gets disrupted as the door opens and they find a lady standing in front them in a light hue of blue pencil skirt, white tucked in shirt under the matching blue blazer. She wore high heel plumps of same color and her hair were loose open tucked behind her ears neatly.

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