54. The Gift

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After guests all left, Jungkook sat with Jimin and Yoongi with Riri on the couch with gifts all around. Four Tulip glasses kept on a table with a bottle of champagne for 4.

Jimin kept caressing Jungkook's hair as younger sat leaning his head on elder's shoulder. He was a little tipsy and Jimin was more than happy to take extra care of him.

Jimin poured the drink in glasses and handed to everyone. "Are you sure you want to give Jungkook another drink?" Yoongi asked and Jimin smiled at the boy, turning to him.

"We are at home so it's ok, I will take care of him." Jimin said with a chuckle and Yoongi nodded while Riri smiled at the youngers. "Before we open gifts, I was waiting to tell you all something." Riri interrupted and the three people keened their eyes on the lady.

Riri took a deep breathand turned to Yoongi, "We are going to be parents." She announced slowly with a huge grin on her face. For a moment, the room dropped into silence and only sound emerged was of glass of champagne, which Riri put back on the glass table.

In next moment erupted gleeful yelling from the three men. "Honey, it's the happiest news I have ever gotten." Yoongi's eyes brimmed with happy tears and he hugged Riri carefully and let the tears out. He then carefully held her face and kissed her lips.

Jungkook giggled and put his hands on Jimin's eyes to cover them. Jimin chuckled and kissed boy's nose. "Let's take a walk." Jimin pulled the boy up and led him outside, giving moment to the couple.

All table and chairs were gone. What left behind was trash and flower decorations. "Jimin?" Jungkook slowly called the boy as they laid on the grass and Jimin put his arm under Jungkook's head as pillow.

"Yes baby." Jimin replied as they both gazed at stars. 

"Do you think we can adopt a baby someday?" Jungkook asked in the high of liquor. Jimin obviously knew Jungkook wanted marriage and kids, but he ruined it for the boy as he did not want either of those things.

To inhibit it, Jimin once let it slip that he did not believe in marriage. He thought that he should not have said it as he believed it was too early for them to talk about marriage.

Jungkook was such a mature young boy that he never brought the kids or marriage up in their short yet committed relationship, but right now he was under influence of alcohol so he spoke his mind.

"You are drunk, baby." Jimin said slowly but his heart clenched in suffocation he felt which the topic of marriage brought.

"We can stay together without getting married, you know? We can still adopt a kid." Jungkook turned his posture towards Jimin and looked at him. 

"Baby. We will talk about it later, alright?" Jimin caressed his face softly and heard Riri and Yoongi come out. Jimin sat Jungkook up and saw the soon-to-be-parents sit down near them as well. 

"Congratulations Noona!" Jungkook giggled and Riri hugged him. 

"Thanks Bunny. Your niece or nephew is coming soon. Will you give Doyel to him or her?" She teased and Jungkook laughed. 

"Sure I will. Finally, I won't be the youngest. I am so happy and I cannot wait to welcome the baby in the family." Jungkook chirped. 

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