41. A Promise

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Jungkook wakes up and stretches his legs and arms but it hurts him so he scrunches his face.

"Hey baby." Jimin helps to remove the blanket from his body and Jungkook takes in the surrounding and realizes he is not in hospital. Then he remembers that Jimin has taken him home as he yawns.

"Are you feeling okay?" Jimin asks and Jungkook nods.

"Dinner's ready. Are you hungry?" He asks and Jungkook thinks for a second before answering.

"I am." He says.

"Let me take you out." Jimin slowly picks him up and Jungkook assumes he would place him on the wheel chair but Jimin walks out of the room.

"Jimin." Jungkook whines in his sleepy voice and older doesn't answer.

He places him on the chair at dining table and pats his head. "Just give me a minute. I will get your food." Jungkook nods and sees Jimin walking away to the kitchen counter where other workers are still cooking and he wonders where his family is.

"Where is everyone else?" He asks Jimin who is placing food into the big tray.

"They were sleeping but they will be here in some time." Jimin informs his little one as he brings the food tray.

"I will wait for them." Jungkook claims and picks up six forks to fix them between fingers in each hand to enact Wolverine.

Jimin reaches the table and puts the tray down. "No you won't." He pulls away the forks from younger's hands and serves him food who looks at him with his round eyes.

"You need to get better so you need food on time. We are sticking to schedule from Doctor." Jimin explains and now Jungkook sighs.

"Hello baby." Yoongi's voice reverberates when two heads whip towards the staircase.

"There is your hyung. Now start eating." Jimin ruffles Jungkook's hair and he picks up his food with fork.

The family eats happily with laughter and mostly Jungkook's childhood stories. Like this one time Jungkook was in school and Riri forgot her schedule and she was at home. Jungkook saw Riri's classmates in the school and he knew that she would miss her test.

He was not allowed to walk on roads alone because he was small and Riri was always there to accompany him to and from school and home but that was first time he took courage and ran from school to home.

By the time he arrived home, he was crying and huffing. Not because he was tired or scared, but because of his older sister, who would have missed her test if he did not come to inform her on time.

The gesture was so cute that Riri cradled him to sleep that night and fed him his favorite food and banana milk. She loved her brother most in the world. More than her parents.

Jimin's heart broke listening to the adorable stories. This baby is so kind and he deserves more than Jimin could ever provide for him. He never believed in having a family and he still doesn't, but this moment fills his soul with light.

Ramon comes to Jungkook. "Sire, Do you need more food or something else?" He asks.

"No Ramon. Thank you, the food was delicious." Jungkook flashes him his bunny smile and Ramon gasps.

Everyone's attention goes to his dramatic gasp. "What's the matter Ramon?" Jimin asks chuckling at man who is tearing up, while everyone looks at Jimin weird.

"He is just so cute. His smile is adorable." Ramon says with now tears cascading down his cheeks as he carries the empty dishes back to kitchen and then everyone looks at him.

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