40. Scars

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Jimin stands by Jungkook as they open the surgical dressings which have been fixed by the surgeons to heal the punctures on the skin. Jungkook looks at his stomach and his face discerns into disappointment. There are multiple small zig zag wounds. Same is the condition of his arms but what hurts him most is the one scar on his left cheek which is deep and long.

"They will heal some more Jungkook. Don't think that this is their final state but I will also tell you that they will not go completely. You will have to learn to live with these." Doctor informs him and his sulky face becomes gloomier by the minute as he looks at the floor and nods.

Jimin could not say anything but he hates to see younger like this.

"Jungkook-ah! You still look handsomer than me." Hobi pats his shoulder and boy smiles. He cannot worry his siblings more than they already are.

"I know." He replies and they guffaw.

He sacredly looks at Jimin thinking that older might not see him like he did before. He is afraid that Jimin will now leave him and his insecurity grows by the minute when Jimin does not say anything at all.

"Jungkook-ah! Once you start walking you are going to have to take us out for a big treat. You have gracefully and bravely surpassed this." Yoongi remarks and Jungkook smiles. Without the dressings, it doesn't hurt that much but the air stings his skin.

"I will always be jealous of your skin." Riri comes to ruffle his head and Jungkook smiles goofily.

"Even with my scars I am prettier than you, Noona." He laughs and Riri hugs him while Jimin smiles weakly.

"Well, our job here is done. Jungkook's scars are healing at good rate. His body will recover. You need to take care of his diet. He should get proper nutrition and he will be able to run marathons again. He needs to exercise which I will discuss with you. Who among here is going to take Jungkook back home?" The Doctor explains and asks.

"I will." Yoongi and Jimin speak in unison and Jungkook peers at both of them.  It reminds him of a party where Yoongi spat with Jimin. 

//It was hilarious.//

 He sheepishly laughs and older males look at Jungkook who gulps and stops.

"I will give you a minute to decide. I will be right outside." The Doctor excuses himself.

"You don't assume that I am leaving him here alone after all that happened." Yoongi claims.

"Please, don't do this. The Doctors are here who treated him. They know his condition better and his treatment should be consistent." Jimin's voice pleads.

"I will take care of him. I will take him home and he will live with me for as long as it takes."  Jimin turns firm yet gentle.

"Ignore these idiots. What do you want Jungkook?" Riri asks him while Hobi just watches the drama.

Jimin looks at Jungkook with begging eyes when younger notices him and then Yoongi. "I will stay here." He replies and Jimin breathes again with glossy eyes.

"Don't worry. I will not let anything to happen to him. I will take good care of him." Jimin tells Riri.

"You can call me Noona too you know." Riri beams and Jimin smiles with pained and thankful expressions.

"Thank you Noona."


Jimin brings Jungkook back and along comes the entire family. They initially planned to go back to guest house and then back to Korea the next day but Jimin insisted that they stay for some time so that Jungkook is also at ease.

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