65. Our Day

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Jimin held out his hand over the table to ask for Jungkook's and younger held the soft and small palm. Jimin looked to the left where sun was partly disappeared and the water rippling under turned orangish golden slowly. Jungkook followed Jimin's gaze and his eyes twinkled with the pretty view while a smile found it's way to his lips.

Suddenly, a flock of seagulls hovered the mountains happily as they heard sound of water waves. The moon was rising up from the other end. it was a majestic sight.

Jimin got up from his chair while he kept holding Jungkook's hand. Younger when craned his neck back to Jimin, he was on his knees with his other hand holding out an engagement ring.

"Jimin." The boy let out slowly. He could not believe it. His eyes brimmed with tears almost instantly. 

The older had a meaningful smile on his lips.

"Jimin, you don't have to because I left. I will not leave again, if you are doing this out of fear." He put his other palm over Jimin's which was not holding the ring. 

Jimin's eyes were also pooling with tears slowly. He did not speak at first as he looked down and exhaled as he looked up. He spotted the one unshed tear now escaped younger's eye and rolled down through his flawless and soft cheek. 

Jimin softly spoke. "When I met you, I never thought I would hopelessly and unconditionally love you, but I did. When we started relationship, I have never thought I would be ready for this moment. You came to my life and made me realize how brittle my happiness was. You changed the definition of happy for me." Jungkook was tearing up more and more but Jimin kept going.

"I realized what true happiness meant. I realized what having someone on whom I can rely on meant. I realized what support meant and I also experienced what fear of loosing someone special felt like. When you cried in Kyla's wedding, I knew. I knew why those tears did not seem to stop. I wanted to be able to give you anything you put your finger on, yet I could not let go of my one fear and could not give you one thing you deeply desired." Jungkook was controlling himself to not break down but his running tears were making it difficult for him to do so and Jimin had to finish.

"That night, I loosened the tight grip on my fear. You are someone I cannot imagine my life without. You stood with me in my ugly truth and accepted me as I was. My love grows for you every morning I open my eyes and see you. I no more intend to delay it, unless you don't want it right now." Jimin smiled through tears and Jungkook shook his head very slowly and also smiled.

"I want you. I want to belong to you and I want you to belong to me completely. No more secrets. You have moved mountains to find my heart for both of us and now, I want you to live in it's yard. Together, two of us. Will You Marry Me, Jungkook?" Jimin's voice wavered as the last word left his lips and Jungkook could not speak so he nodded his head quickly and cleared his throat.

"Yes, Jimin." He added lastly and agreed to marry the love of his life. Both of them looked at the ring which was now blinding as the reflection of sun hit it. It sparkled in many colors like a light passing through prism. This is why Jimin wanted to do it at sunset.

He slowly slid the ring on Jungkook's ring finger. Both of them let the tears out freely as they stood and Jimin pulled the boy close gently and kissed him deeply. 

Soft sniffles left Jungkook's mouth as he shivered lightly as they parted and Jimin cupped younger's face. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled so bright.

"I love you, Jimin. Is this real?" Jungkook asked.

"I love you more, Darling. It's real. We are engaged." Jimin assured his cute fiancé.

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