29. Save Me

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When Jungkook came back from washroom which was on first floor, the table was already set for dinner and Jimin was pouring wine into a glass.

"Who made the food?" Younger asked.

"I did when you were looking at Loki getting his ass beaten by Hulk." Jimin replied and put the wine bottle on the table. Jungkook scratched his head.

"Sorry I did not help. I did not know you cook." Jungkook told him in a hush voice.

"Well, I don't cook. Last time I did was in 2005." Jimin snarled. "But I did today as an exception. Come on now." He motioned for Jungkook to come closer.

Younger went to the table and sat. Jimin kept standing and served him. "Wine?" He asked. Younger shook his head.

Jungkook liked the food which was evident by his face he made during eating and Jimin smiled. No one said anything and ate silently listening to music while Jimin enjoyed his wine.

After eating Jimin put the dishes to the sink and Jungkook brought remaining dishes.
"Let me do it." He asked Jimin who shook his head.

"Go sleep. We have mountain climbing tomorrow and I will leave you alone if you wake up late." Jimin straight up told him and younger retracted his steps.

How could he sleep on the bed? He stood between the living room and bed room, contemplating. Finally he decided to plop down on the couch.

When Jimin came back after doing dishes he saw Jungkook curled up on the couch. He sighed heavily and stormed towards him but his heart turned to puddle when he saw open mouth of Jungkook snoring through his soft lips.

He carefully picked him up and Jungkook immediately woke up. "Jimin!" He tried to protest but Jimin tightened his grip over Jungkook's thighs and moved towards the bed.

"But Jimin.." Jimin cut him off.

"Shh. I won't do anything to you. I promise." He cooed. Jungkook's ears was near Jimin's chest and he could feel the vibration of Jimin's voice resonating inside him which calmed him down.

He did not wriggle after that. Jimin put him down slowly and covered him under the duvet. He then walked to the other side and got inside the same black duvet.

Jungkook turned towards the glass wall and tried to sleep but he could not. Fifteen minutes passed and it seemed like Jimin already slept.

Jungkook opened his eyes to a Culpeo's eyes staring at him from the other side of the glass wall. It startled him and he screamed.

Jimin immediately got up. "What's wrong?" He asked but then trailed off to where Jungkook's horror stricken eyes were trained.

"He is harmless, little one." He cooed in younger's ears and then put one arm on his waist which broke younger's trance. "Look at me." Jimin said, his voice raspy and Jungkook did.

"Cuddle me and sleep. I will not let anything happen to you. Do you trust me?" He asked and Jungkook nodded innocently. "But I don't trust the Culpeo." He murmured.

Jimin laughed and hugged him hesitantly placing his arms around Jungkook, securing him in. "The glass won't crush. It is tough grade, as good as bulletproof." He mumbled and felt Jungkook relaxing a bit. Soon after he heard his soft snores. Jimin placed a chaste kiss on his forehead. "Good night." He uttered slowly.

Jungkook buried himself under Jimin's neck and did not answer. Older soothed him by rubbing soft circles on his back and soon, Jungkook was asleep. Jimin looked at him to make sure and then slowly, he pecked his cheeks.

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