51. Change

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Song Recommendation: Stay by Zedd.

Jungkook has not woken up yet from his sleep and Jimin was getting more and more worried. He knit the thoughts in his mind. "May be Jungkook was exhausted."

He sat in agony waiting for him to wake up He felt his heart racing and his entire body tightening, but then he saw his baby wriggle.

"Jungkook." He called out softly, his voice filled with guilt and remorse.

"Hmm." Jungkook hummed with his morning voice which was additionally hoarse and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Wake up now. It is 1 in afternoon." Jimin spoke into his ear and pecked his lips softly. He held onto Jungkook's hands and looked at his face worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"Are you really okay? Promise me you aren't hiding anything. If you did not like anything just tell me." Jimin asked as Jungkook pulled back his hands and sat back up.

"I am really okay Jimin. I was just tired." Jungkook hugged him. The older ran his hands on younger's back tenderly.

"I am sorry again. I should not have been so rough or tied you in your first attempt." Jimin spoke and Jungkook nodded. He agreed.

"What do you want to eat?" Jimin asked.

"Can we order pizza today? I miss it." Jungkook asked pouting and Jimin smiled with love in his eyes.

"Sure. Anything baby wants." He booped Jungkook's nose and got up. They took shower together and Jungkook did his routine of stretching later.

After an hour they ate. Jimin decided he would not work today and spent the entire day with Jungkook in his arms.

They kept watching Netflix and sang Karaoke at home. They could not have been happier.

Empty beer bottles scattered around which Ramon would have to clean.

Jungkook was whining. "I want to go back to work." He asked Jimin.

"No baby. You don't need to." Jimin denied upfront.

"But I am getting bored here. I have nothing to do." Jungkook pouted.

"I said no Jungkook. There is nothing more to talk." Jimin's dominant voice made Jungkook knit his brows in anger.

Jimin sighed. "Let's talk about it tomorrow." He pecked Jungkook's cheek who smiled and got back to their singing. After he heard Jimin sing, he laughed. "Why? Is my voice funny?" Jimin chuckled.

"It's actually the opposite Jimin. I never thought you could sing this well." Jungkook stifled a high pitch laugh. Jimin tackled him and tickled his belly too hard. The house was echoing happy giggles.

Jungkook's phone was ringing but he did not hear it over the noise they were creating. It was Yoongi calling him. He then tried calling Jimin and the response was same. He got worried and called Kyla.

Hey Ms. Saina.

Hello! Who is it?

I am Min Yoongi. Jungkook's..

Oh yes. Mr. Min. How can I help?

I am trying to call Jungkook and Jimin both but they aren't picking for last two hours. Could you please may be get it checked?

No worries. I was thinking to go over to Jimin's later but I will go right away.

Thanks so much and I am so sorry for the trouble.

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