55. Boomerang

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Jimin woke up early and looked down at Jungkook who was sleeping with his head on the man's chest. Carefully, Jimin put him aside and went away.

After washing up, he thought to prepare breakfast for everyone. He still was making Jungkook's nutritious meals back at home and did not want to slack off here. Riri came out when she smelled the cooking.

"Hey, Good morning, Jimin. Could not sleep?" She asked.

"Good Morning Noona. I slept well. Don't worry. I thought to make breakfast for everyone. Is hyung up?" He asked.

"He will not be up unless he is asked." Riri laughed and Jimin smiled too.

"I can make pancakes for him later." Jimin claimed. "Do you like chocolate and Nutella ones?"

"I can eat anything edible. Let me help you." She walked around the kitchen slab and saw everything already prepared.

"I am impressed." She chuckled.

"Thanks Noona." Jimin gave her a heart warming smile.

"Is Jungkook up? Shall we eat together?" She asked.

"He is still sleeping. But I will give him breakfast in bed. He did not really get much rest yesterday after long flight." Jimin mentioned as he poured coffee for Riri and handed it to her.

"You should eat with him. He'll feel good. I will eat later with Yoongi." Riri told Jimin who had worked hard. She did not want to keep him away from his lover. Jimin smiled and nodded.


Jimin cut a bowl of fresh fruits, drizzled chocolate syrup on fluffy and warm pancakes and garnished the top with few strawberries. Along with it, he crisp fried bacon which Jungkook loved, and finally poured a glass of milk.

He brought the tray to his room and saw Jungkook sitting on bed. "Good Morning sunshine." Jimin said sweetly but Jungkook did not answer. He only looked at Jimin.

"Angry?" Jimin poked his cheek with his finger after putting the tray on bed.

"Mmm.." Jungkook groaned in morning voice and fell back to bed, hiding his face in pillow.

Jimin sighed as he laid by his side and hugged him. Jungkook did not waste any time to hug Jimin back. "I love you Sweetie." Jimin kissed Jungkook's hair carefully and held his face up to peck his lips.
"Lazing around, is it? What happened to Jimin I will show you this and Jimin I will show you that?" Jimin teased and Jungkook laughed.

"You already showered. When did you wake up?" Jungkook asked.

"Early. I am excited for today. What are we doing?" Jimin asked Jungkook who yawned and Jimin pinched his nose.

"We will go to meet Hobi hyung and then we will go to my University. There is a place where I used to eat. They have sinful banana milk. I will drink that." Jungkook declared with such enthusiasm that Jimin just looked at him adoringly and laughed.

"Okay. Let's get ready then. We will finish everything on your list and come back to spend some time with Noona and Hyung." Jimin booped his nose and the boy sat up after stealing a quick kiss from Jimin.

"What are you going to eat?" Jungkook asked looking at the tray which had everything for Jungkook.

"I have my plate in Kitchen. I will bring it."


Jungkook drove to Hobi's place. It was his first time in forever behind the wheels and he loved getting back at driving again albeit Jimin remained peculiar about it. But he could not say anything to his adamant boyfriend when he asked to drive by himself.

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