32. Confession

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Jungkook had just landed at Airport of Hawaii after a week of staying at home. He did not hear anything from Jimin in that time. Once he landed, he called Ms. Saina first.

Hi Kyla.

Hi Jungkook. How are you now?

I am good and I am back. I am coming over.

No Jungkook. There is no need. Go home and get some rest.

Is Jimin there?

No, he is in the club tonight. There is a team outing. Do you have anything I can help to convey to him?

I will talk to him myself. Which club is it?

I think it is called Palaka. I will send you the address.

Thanks Kyla. See you soon.

Take care Jungkook. If you need more time then don't hesitate. Please feel good. I will come visit you tomorrow.

Thanks Kyla. You can come anytime. Good night.

Good night!


Jungkook finds Jimin on a corner seat amidst smoke emerging from various cigarettes. Jimin also contributing to it. The light inside is yellow and dim. Jungkook feels a sudden strange pain tugging at his heart. He does not know why he feels like this but he does. He did not expect Jimin to mourn for his loss but he also did not expect him to be partying here when he arrived.

He approaches them, coughing a little, due to the thick toxic smoke. Jungkook stands near the table and everyone's gaze averts to him. Jimin's laughter disappears. "Hey Jungkook. Come join us." He says as if he casually met with Jungkook in the bar after a long time. Jungkook does. He is determined to talk today.

"Who is this?" One of the lady on the table asks.

"Oh he is Jeon Jungkook. He works in my team." Jimin introduces him and Jungkook nods with a faintest smile he could have uttered. They resume with whatever was going on before Jungkook arrived.

"Have something." Jimin asks him carelessly and takes a puff of his cigarette. Jungkook is coming from funeral and this is not where he should be. His eyes starts to water from Jimin's arbitrary behavior but no one can see it.

"Can I talk to you Jimin?" He asks choking back his tears which makes his throat feel hurt by tightness.

"Yeah sure. What is it?" 

"Alone." He says looking at the people who were otherwise busy in their guffaws.

Jimin smiles awkwardly looking at people and excuses himself. They walk away from the loud music. "What is it?" Jimin asks.

"Do you not have any humanity left Jimin? You did not ask me anything about my Uncle or how am I or how tough was it for me? You did not even respond to my texts." Jungkook shivers lightly with anger as he controls his tears to not betray him. He doesn't want to cry, he needs to be strong.

"I am sorry Jungkook. I really am sorry for your loss. I am just not good with family and stuff. I hope you can understand that." Jimin replies with a serious face now. His eyes show guilt.

"I always understand you. Why is it only me who has to do everything in this? What is even this? Us? You only need me when you need me. I get hurt by your whimsicalness. You give me all these mixed signals. Sometimes you care and then you are a douchebag in next moment. Like you are being an asshole right now. What is wrong with you? Why are you doing this with me?" Jungkook's efforts to not cry fail, as his voice starts to break and tears come out.

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