52. Wings

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Jimin and Jungkook were flying to Korea. On one hand younger was happy to go home but at the same time, he knew the experiences his lover went through in his own home country, which made younger to grow protective of Jimin.

He kept talking to Jimin to distract him or simply stared at him to the point that they turned creepy. "Sleep doll. I am fine. You don't have to stay awake so that you could make sure I am okay." Jimin's raspy voice spoke just as his eyes remained close on the flight seat.

Jungkook's ears turned red with embarrassment and he stopped the one sided staring competition.

Jimin opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook as he caressed the younger's hand softly and put it up to kiss his palm. "Good night my love." Jimin whispered slowly against Jungkook's ears who closed his eyes and set his face on Jimin's shoulder to sleep.

In some time, he woke up to Jimin's soft touch and announcement over microphone that was going off. They were ready to land and Jungkook sat upright and checked his seatbelt which Jimin was already adjusting.

"Slept well Baby boy?" Jimin asked and Jungkook yawned while nodding. Jimin chuckled shortly. "You still look tired. I will make you rest when we reach home." Jimin said as his hand caressed chubby cheeks of Jungkook.

Jungkook had lost weight after the accident but Jimin has taken such good care of him that the boy has started to gain a little weight again. Just how Jimin liked.

"Jimin please don't make me sleepb when we reach there. I will show you my university and I will make you meet everyone. We will go eat at barbeque and drink soju. We will eat fishcake out of food cart." Jungkook was making a list of what he would like to do with Jimin the moment they get out of the Airport.

Sometimes Jungkook forgot that Jimin was also born here and that he probably knew more than Jungkook, but the boy would refuse the thought and speak like he would be willing to serve the guest that Jimin was.

"We will do everything after you have had your rest." Jimin shut Jungkook up with just one sentence and the younger pouted.

Jimin had booked a hotel for the comfortable stay for 5 days that they would spend here, but Yoongi had Jimin convinced to stay with them. Sure the older male did not have a house as big and fancy as Jimin had, but it would suffice. After all his heart was in right place.

Jimin agreed given his domestic and affectionate gesture. The party was in the evening. Jungkook never bought any gift for the sister because that's how they have always been doing. Riri always told Jungkook to not bring any gift for her, being the younger baby brother that he was. It was her brother who was the gift.

Same went for Jungkook. Riri never bought him anything specifically labeled for birthday, albeit she gave her many gifts without occasion. This time Jungkook decided to give her something as it was her 25th and first birthday after Jungkook got his job, from which he was on hiatus but still got paid every month.

Yoongi came to pick the boys from airport. Jimin held Jungkook's hand and carried the bags himself as he walked over side by side, to the young adorable man he had came to love so much.

"Are you feeling okay yet?" Jimin asked and saw Jungkook nodding his head. Doctor has given permission to Jungkook to travel and he pretty much did not need to see Doctor, but Jimin insisted that monitory check up every month was necessary until next few months.

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