3. Pelican fly

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Dawn was upon them and Jimin was keeping at it. After drinking like a seal who can still manage to hit bullseye?

Park Fucking Jimin. Who else?

Jimin gets up, completely fine. Just his eyes showed itsy bitsy intoxication, the only side effect of booze on Park Jimin. He brings a duvet to cover Jungkook as the air carry coldness. His butler appears and asks if he can get someone to do it but Jimin gestures raising his thumb, index and middle finger, meaning no and butler grasps it quickly to leave them alone.

The queen ship was lit like diamonds and after party was kicking off. The dawn has turned to dark, moon lit, night with thousands of stars holding each others hands lighting up the sky.

Butler brings the food and sets it on dining table. Jimin orders him to bring it outside where he sat on lounger. Butler does what he was told and leaves.

He eats near sleeping Jungkook, examining his features with microscopic vison. His radiance emitting face with round closed eyes which twinkle with curiosity and gleam with innocence when they are not close. His lips are dew kissed, soft, possess a palette of pink and there is a mole resting right below his lower lip. His nose is big, sculpted, perfectly parting his baby soft cheeks. The innocence on his face is inscrutable.

Jimin tries to wake him up but Jungkook just does not budge. Jimin smiles, again. Twice in a day. (Bravo JK!!)

//Are you that drunk little one?//

Once he finishes, the maids clean up the place and bring the crockery back to kitchen. "Stay for some more time." Jimin commands the workers and they oblige without questioning.

Jimin sighs deeply and arches his head back to stargaze. Jungkook starts to wiggle and the duvet rustling sound brings Jimin's attention back on the boy. He squirms inside the duvet which in turn entwins him inside. His lips starts to move as if he is savoring an invisible candy and then he gulps.

And with that, it is a hat trick. You know what I am talking about right?

A Pelican flutters by sprinkling water from it's wings on Jungkook's eyes. He crinkles his nose cutely and slowly opens his eyes and immediately squints from the light falling directly on his face. Jimin moves his swing to cover little one's face by his shadow. Jungkook slowly sits up and tries to stand but fails because he is all tied up in duvet. He starts dancing trying to find the ends of it and Jimin calmly enjoys the show. "Help me" he says pouting when he could not untangle himself. Jimin's heartbeat intensifies on that. Weird. He thinks but shrugs it off. Despite the alien feeling, he helps Jungkook out of the duvet.

"Why did you drink if you could not hold it"? Jimin asks indifferently.

Jungkook just looks at him still pouting. He is unable to do any sort of communication as he is hung over and has no idea where he is or what is going on. "Can I get water, please"? Jungkook asks politely after a minute.

Jimin gets up and walks to kitchen to bring back water. Maids gasp and rub their eyes to ensure that they aren't dreaming when they see Jimin serving a mere little boy. He passes the water to Jungkook and asks him if he is hungry?

"I am. Yes." Jungkook replies holding his tummy. Jimin lets a breathy chuckle out. He calls butler who appears instantly.

"Tell him what you want to eat". Jimin asks Jungkook playfully.

Jungkook thinks about it while pouting for sometime and then answers by saying "Anything which is available for everyone will be fine."


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