6. The Interview

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Jungkook's mind is focused on preparing questions while Jimin is back in business, partying, drinking and getting cornered by girls, which he enjoys a little too much.

*Jungkook's POV*

I need to know what kind of person Jimin is. What I have seen till now is not enough to understand him. Couldn't he give me more perfect task than this? Jungkook says to no one as he scribbles down something on a notepad, looking at Jimin from afar.


Jungkook feels uneasy looking at him with all the girls as he gazes him softly but a smile originating from the corner of his lips, which he is unaware of. May be he is delusional but he thinks Jimin is behaving strange since he met him.

During introduction Jimin sounded like a total jackass but he also took care of Jungkook which means he has a heart capable of taking care? A cold aura which makes believe people that humanity is lost in this human being but also he is observant.

He was practically simping. Okay, it was the girls who were simping over him but he was also not non-existent of the spectacle. It was as if he was luring them into it and he knew exactly what he was doing.

Jungkook sighs heavily shooing away the ridiculous notions his mind was curating. It could not have been for him. May be Jimin is just moody, a spoiled brat, although rich, smart and lawless. After all how would Jungkook know? How should he know if this is how rich man conduct oneself.

He was born in an underprivileged family, parents died of illness manifesting him to be orphan. If it wasn't for his grandparents and uncle taking him in, he would not be literate enough and be able to stand here or he is doubtful if he would even be alive.

Thought of his uncle, the only family he has left now, fabricated a smile on his face. He felt blessed and opportune. Not long after, his heart and mind felt like a cat on a hot tin roof as anxiety build up inside him. Leaving behind his city and taking first step alone, unperceptive of what lies ahead scares him.

His nightmares have not been about ghosts or lack of money but fear of unknown. All of this, rich surroundings, plastic hearts, unsettling quench of lechery in people is too much for his liking.

A simple boy whose spectrum of emotions is narrow. He has only known agony, hurt, patience, virtue, hard work and unconditional and an unimpeachable love of his family through his life. He does not know unruly desires.

He could not help but feel small and insignificant in Jimin's world. A person who literally owns this tasteful queen they are on board, which cleaves the water with her head high and shines golden, no less than a brightest star.

//I cannot relate to this life of Riley. Neither I shall, ever.//

His curious mind takes him places and this time it did best and brought him here. Best because he can finally earn and pay back to the family who has supported him till now. Not that he thinks any amount of money will be equivalent to their good deeds but it is a start.

He pacifies the vigorous ocean of uncertainty bubbling inside of him and channels it to go clackety-clack on his keyboard.

He types the questions for Jimin and within an hour he is done. Moving on, he goes down to Jimin's private and splendid cabin and looks for the butler. Maids come asking if he needs anything.

"Yes, I am starving, do you think you can have something ready for me to eat?" he asks the maid.

Maids, engulfed by Jungkook's politeness, something they don't see around here much, nod and ask "what do you fancy, Sir?"

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