2. Don't cross me

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Jimin travels all around the world but he found his roots in Hawaii. After successfully manipulating Mr. Johnson and landing himself a Yacht of his dreams, he was on the way back home. The Yacht was waiting at the port. The announcements were made for a Yacht party as usual.

He always brings back his ships in celebration. There would be staff, girls which he also does not know comes from where. There is no scarcity. There would be booze, music, drugs and everything you can imagine happens at rave parties is readily available. Anyone who needs to travel to Hawaii has to pay the prize if they are not girls in bikini.

It was a routine for Jimin. Yacht was ready to depart and his staff was checking the entry tickets of people. Jimin sat on the deck with big sunglasses, a floral shirt and ⅔ shorts amidship chilling with his tequila sunrise.

Jimin's eyes fell on an innocent looking boy wandering around Groyne who looked like in a search of a lost object. He pulled his shades down to take a clear look at him.

//He indeed looks innocent and cute. His doe eyes scream piousness. There is no space for the kind of you in this world you little one. What are you doing here?//

Jimin pushes the glasses back on his head and arches his head back to rest on his sailing swing, unbothered. The captain boards and they start sailing. The clamor and cheers emerge from all the decks and Jimin finally puts his drink down and goes to top deck and reaches the DJ area. He takes the mic and introduces himself.

"Hakuna matata homies! Introduction ehh.. well as this is a short journey and we will not be together for long, hopefully. So I guess I should be giving introduction related to my bad deeds doing round here rather than my ugly ones which is having dance in real." He winks.

"Life ain't no all sunshine and rainbows right??" Everyone boos.

"But it motherfucking is until you are here. Enjoy while you can." He says which buys him unstopping hollers from people aboard.

"Also no one crosses me. Last time when it happened, I went all berserk, well, I enjoy it actually. According to the patrons around here I am a big headed, foul mouthed, trouble maker. Well yeah you are correct. It is good... really good when you are able to express yourself rather than suppressing it, so I just take it out. And to say going silently is not my way."

"Once again, DO NOT CROSS ME and you are good. CROSS ME and I will bum you. Jimin out. Break hell loose everybody!" Jimin drops the mic and steps down from the elevation to grab a drink and goes straight to his private area reserved at front leaving the screams behind him.

 Break hell loose everybody!" Jimin drops the mic and steps down from the elevation to grab a drink and goes straight to his private area reserved at front leaving the screams behind him

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It has all the luxury. A dining table, hot bubble pool, rocking chairs, cushions, beds with soft mattresses, a cozy room with a dedicated kitchen and butler, a bar with imported drinks at his disposal, a gym and a home theatre.

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