14. Something Was Born

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Jungkook's POV

It was when I did nothing
It was when I thought nothing
It was when I felt nothing
It was when I said nothing
It was when I had nothing
It was when there was nothing
That's when something was born
That's when something was created
That's when light pierced into nothing
Gave it life and created something!
Isn't then nothing powerful?
Isn't then nothing that opportunity?
Isn't then nothing everything?

Why am I hurt? He spoke the truth. I should have known my limits. Hyung was right. Professionals are different. They don't care about each other. They just care about earning money at any cost. It is not human resources. It is human who are treated as resources.

Why did not I believe you hyung? Why did I think that Jimin cared about me? Am I that naïve? Why does it hurt? But expectations always hurt and somewhere I expected Jimin to be nice to me.

Why would he be? He is not getting paid for it. I am getting paid for the job and he is the one paying me. It is correct. But when he said it, why did it break my heart? Why my tears are not stopping? I am miss you hyung. I miss you uncle. I want to come back home.

No. I am strong. As always, I will fight this. I will not give up. Dad never taught me to be a quitter.

Author's POV

Ms. Saina had seen Jungkook running out from back exit so she decided to give a little taste to Jimin.

"Did you like the arrangement, Jimin?" She asks with a smile too sweet capable to irk out anyone and specially Jimin.

"It is good enough." Jimin replies brushing up his hair.

"I am going to ask you something and you are going to respond. With honesty."

Jimin raises his brows at her without saying anything. "Why did you let Jungkook use your cabin on your yacht?"

"Because he was drunk and drugged. I could not have casualty on my boat on my watch."

"True. But you throwing people out in water was not casualty enough for you?"

"I said on my boat. If they are out on water I don't care."

"Logically it sounds good but you know where I am going with this. Right?"

"Go on." Jimin says as he gulps the remaining drink from his glass and turns to bartender asking him for another.

"Why did you give him raise on salary? Twice."

"He came from financially poor family background or should I say with no family. He is an orphan."

"Why do you care? Do you know there are many other employees who share this similarity with Jungkook. You never bothered about them."

"Out of sight is out of mind. I am not bothered about Jungkook too."

"You have been keeping track of him before he even joined the company. You think money can buy all happiness and you gave him that. You upgraded his living status. You got him a home which only Tier 1 employees get. You took him under you from Ms. Halia. I would still believe you that you did all of this because you were feeling tsundere. But you remember his name. I don't think I could have made my point more ambiguous than this."

Jimin just stared at Ms. Saina.

"I know names of my employees." Jimin says taking a refilled glass and drinking uninterested. It was a white lie.

"What is my name?"

"Ms. Saina. I hope it was rhetorical."

"No it was not. What is my name? Say my first name."

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