16. Sting

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It has been two weeks since Jungkook started to work with his new team. He had to go to office for two days and rest of the days he would travel, because his job required him to go to places and inspect them for buying and leasing purposes.

Sometime he would have to go on hikes and adventures because the company provided tours and packages to VIP clients and a company representative had to explore the places before the customers. He was enjoying his job to the fullest because he always wanted to travel rather than getting stuck in a cubicle for life.

"Hey Jungkook! Are you in today?" Kyla asked Jungkook over call as she did not want him to encounter Jimin because he was visiting office today for some time.

"I was out for hike and will go back to home directly. Do you want me in?" Jungkook asked.

"NO. I am sorry I did not mean to shout. I have bad network. See you tomorrow. You are not needed today." Kyla told Jungkook who disconnected the call.

Whenever Kyla called Jungkook, his heart would feel all jittery on a possibility of it coming from Jimin but he never dared to ask if Jimin was the one asking it, and neither did Kyla tell him anything. 

Later in evening Ms. Halia was looking around and she could not find Pete anywhere. "Zai, did you see Pete?" She asked.

"I think he went for coffee." Zai told her as she grabbed her bag to leave for the day.

"Thanks. Have a good night." Ms. Halia told Zai who reciprocated the same and left.

After punching in her attendance she walked towards the elevator and when the door opened she saw Jungkook. "What are you doing at this hour? I thought you were not in today." She asked in astonishment. 

"Ms. Halia called me. I had to sit with her for some presentation." Jungkook told her as they both stood aside to not block the passage for others.

"Isn't it late? You need to learn how to say no." Zai told him and Jungkook just laughed.

"It is fine. Anyway I get bored at home alone. At least this way I feel I am around people." Jungkook told her and gestured her to leave just as elevator door opened on their office floor. "Go before you are also late."

Zai flashed him a concerned smile and left waving at him. She was working here the longest, at least longer than other four colleagues, so she knows how Ms. Halia burdens a person if they don't say 'no.'

"I have to talk to Jungkook soon." Zai thinks to herself as she takes out her car keys from bag and walk towards her vehicle in basement parking.

Jungkook straight away walked to Ms. Halia's office but she was not in, so he decided to go and say hi to Kyla but she was also not in her office. Sighing, he plodded back to his space and asked Tom if he knew where Ms. Halia would be? "Try Cafeteria." He replied.

"Thanks." Jungkook told him and walked towards cafeteria and just as he entered his steps halted themselves as if his legs had brain of it's own and a stinging pain emerged in his chest. He caught sight of Jimin and Kyla standing in front of him and their gazes met with his.

Jimin was shining under the low hanging ceiling light. He wore black fabric trouser which was glowing, a white and light blue striped tucked in dress shirt which accentuated his body, paired with black shiny leather shoes. His hair were different, short, unlike all the last times when Jungkook saw Jimin in a man bun. He was looking suave. 

Jungkook averted his gaze and with difficulty he managed to trudge inside dejectedly. Jimin and Kyla were talking to someone whose back was facing Jungkook and younger did not go near them. He found Ms. Halia around the corner and approached her while Jimin kept staring at boy perpetually which Jungkook noticed.

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