63. A Road Trip

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Never Not - Lauv

"What? No. I have never in my life loved any one except you, Sweetie. Why do you say so?" Jimin asked flabbergasted while he held the younger close and gently patted his back. Where was this question coming from? Jimin never loved Taehyung.

Jungkook pulled apart and dug out a letter from the bedside table. "What is this then?" Jimin took the letter in his hands which he had no clue existed.

Jimin still had no clue about Taehyung getting married. He now recalled the envelop which Hoseok gave him. He thought he had lost it all this time. In reality, when Jimin threw his jacket on the floor that night in the heat of moment, the envelop from his jacket slid under bed.

Riri found it next day and thought it must have belonged to either one of them, so she put it in the zipper of Jimin's bag which was packed and ready. The letter flew with Jimin unkowingly to Hawaii and remained in the bag for weeks until Ramon was asked to pack the bags again after Kyla's wedding.

When Ramon found the envelop, he put it in Jungkook's bag. Now that Jimin was seeing it first time, he recollected everything.

"Where did you find this?" Jimin asked calmly as he sighed.

"It does not matter where I found it. Is it true?" Jungkook asked sternly.

Jimin leaned in and cupped Jungkook's face. He could not meet his gaze with his lover but he had to tell him the truth.

"Did you read any of the file?" He asked and Jungkook shook his head.

Jimin now averted his gaze towards the floor and left Jungkook's face. "If you did, you would know that everyone had a safe word they used. Taehyung had 'I love you' as same. I never asked him for love confession, but I asked him to use his safe word. Once people used the safe word, I would cut off all ties with them." He explained and Jungkook did not speak a word as he let in all words.

It now made sense to him why Taehyung said in letter that he is setting Jimin free.

"Jungkook, I know I was fucked up. I did that to be satisfied in someway but I promise you I no more need that. You have been my remedy all along. I should have told you about all of it but how could I? I was not proud of it." Jimin kept on and Jungkook listened silently.

"I am so sorry. Please say something." Jimin now was desperate as he turned to Jungkook again and held his face with gleaming eyes.

"I - I love you, Jimin." Jungkook confessed and a heavy weight lifted off Jimin's chest and he immediately hugged the boy tightly.

"I love you too, Jungkook. So much." Jimin replied and kissed younger's head repeatedly. Both remained in each other's embrace. They needed nothing else.

"I will always love you and only you. Don't ever doubt that." Jimin cooed as he held Jungkook's face up to wipe his tears carefully.

"And always talk to me. If you have any doubt, you always have to talk to me first. I will not go easy on you if you leave me next time. There is no escape from me. You are in for life." Jimin tweaked his tone in a warning and Jungkook smiled through tears and kissed Jimin on the lips after nodding his head. Their eyes closed as they shared their love and longing for each other.

Jungkook was suffocating with Jimin. He thought he would not forgive Jimin easily but it was his love which could not let Jimin suffer any more. That is what made their relationship stronger. Both loved each other more and more.

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