50. I Want It

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🔞 Bondage Ahead. Skip if uncomfortable.

A month passed. Jungkook was better. He could run but slowly. His scars healed but one on cheek remained, albeit was small. Jungkook has learned to live with it and Jimin always kissed his scar so he wasn't complaining.

Today, Jimin took Jungkook on a date to see the car race on the track. Jungkook was impressed with the driver's skills, speed of the cars just swooshing away in blink of an eye.

Jimin was hesitant at first because he thought that Jungkook might have developed fear of cars or speed in general after the accident but it wasn't the case.

After race, they ate ate dinner at a 5 star restaurant and now they were returning home.

"Thank you Jimin. I loved it." Jungkook stated to the man from passenger seat.

"I am glad you enjoyed." Jimin smiled whilst he concentrated on road.

"You don't do anything typical. All the dates we had were really out of the box. I bet not many people have done it." Jungkook giggled.
"But our first date was conventional." Jungkook remembered when Jimin arranged a movie date at home or when they went to the bar, ate and danced.

"Baby, I took you to Chile on our first date."

"What? I did not know that was a date." Jungkook exclaimed.

"Really? Think about it, I cooked for you, I asked you if you wanted wine? Our first kiss, our first time sharing bed, sleepi g together." Jimin was pointing out tiniest of detail and Jungkook was blushing mess.

"Well, I did not know it was a date. You should have asked me before you took me there." Jungkook snickered as Jimin pushed brakes.

Jungkook ran out leaving older to follow. Older did not find Jungkook in his room. "Jungkook?" He called and walked towards the bathroom but did not find the boy there as well.

Suddenly intercom buzzed and Jimin knew where Jungkook was. He trudged towards his special room.

When he opened the door, Jungkook was standing there in his shirt while his pants were on the floor. Jimin smirked. "What is this behavior baby?" He asked moving closer to the boy slowly like a predator moves towards it's prey.

"You know this room has waited too long for us. Why not just explore it tonight?" Jungkook stated like a temptress.

Jimin harshly pulled Jungkook and he collided with Jimin's chest, a small yelp escaped his lips. "Think again. I will not go easy on you." Jimin said seductively and Jungkook let his shirt fall to the floor as an answer.

"I am bored of what we do." Jungkook provoked Jimin more with his sentence which came out as a whisper.

Jimin flipped Jungkook suddenly and clasped his hands behind his back. Jungkook was getting more and more excited.

Jimin pushed him towards the bondage bench. Slowly, he started strapping Jungkook to the bench with many cufflinks. He strapped tighter than younger imagined it to be, rendering him almost completely restrained to two padded shelves for legs on bench, which was designed for kneeling over doggie style.

The straps ran from Jungkook's ankles, shins, and thighs and connected to the legs of bench, giving him little to no movement.

Jimin then put the top strap to go over Jungkook's back, a loop provided on either side to attach wrist cuffs, and a loop at the front to attach a collar at neck.

Jungkook gulped as Jimin tied him. His eyes had darkened with lust like Jungkook has not seen before. Did Jimin really tell him the truth that he enjoyed having sex with him before? Because the new sparkle on Jimin's face now was unfathomable.

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