61. Home Wreck

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Jimin sat on the couch motionless. Ramon had reported early in morning as asked by Jimin, but he could not have fathomed what would happen in one moment. The files were all scattered on the floor and Jimin sat amidst chaos, blankly staring at the ceiling.

"Sire! Where is Master Jungkook?" Ramon asked albeit he knew that if Jimin was petrified, the reason must be Jungkook.

"He is in Korea." Jimin surprisingly replied Ramon in a very calm voice.

"Burn these." He asked Ramon as he stood up and strutted into his room. He shut the door behind, leaving the man to wonder what the files could be and why did Jungkook leave all of the sudden when they were supposed to leave for Switzerland right about now.

Jimin laid in his room, tears now rolled from corner of his eyes. "Why did not you wait for me to ask? Is it too much for you? I told you. I asked you to not leave me when you know me. How could you break your promise, Baby? Do you not love me anymore?"

Jimin's words came out in a soft and heart breaking whisper and his voice shook. He tried to not cry. He tried to stop the tears but the pain was too much. "You left me Jungkook? I thought you would never judge me for my past, but you did. At last, I am in sea of demons all created by myself."

Ramon cleared everything up, as Jimin asked and took all the files in garden to burn them by putting them in a trash cans.


Jimin's eyes opened in what seemed like eternity and he realized that he was laying on the bed with clothes from night before and his shoes on. His tears had dried and new ones started forming as soon as the reality shot inside his head like bullets.

He picked up his phone dejectedly and looked at Jungkook's contact details. He contemplated whether he should call him or not.

"You are ashamed of me. I thought you would never be ashamed of me but see what you did. You made me hate myself and be ashamed of myself, more than ever. I have lost my respect in your eyes." Jimin spoke slowly and carefully, each word handpicked.

"I might as well stop calling you. But, what's harm in trying one last time? Hm?" Jimin assured and dialed Jungkook again. This time, the phone rang but younger did not answer. The call disconnected itself and the voice note played after. "Hi, this is Jungkook. If I don't pick your call it's because I am in the wedding but you can contact Jimin if you have anything urgent."

Jimin heard the message and sat up on the bed. This time, he broke into loud sobs and hugged his lone shaking body.

"Baby, please come back to me. I have changed. I promise. Please Jungkook. How can I live on without you now? My existence has no purpose with you in it." Jimin kept crying.

Meanwhile, when Jungkook reached home, Riri assumed Jimin must be behind him as she kept looking outside the door.

"I am alone Noona. I am tired so I will go get rest." Jungkook told Riri and she knew instantly that Jungkook had a fight with Jimin. She did not say anything and let Jungkook sleep. It was almost night when Jungkook reached home.


It was almost morning in Korea and night in Hawaii. Both Jungkook and Jimin were mess.

After a night of solitude and insomnia, Jungkook came out of room and he knew he had to explain. How could he let his elders worry about him. The problem was, how could he say what he found out about Jimin? His Jimin who he still loved so much that it ached his heart, but he knew he would have to tell the truth. This was not any small fight. For all Jungkook knew, he had lost Jimin.

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