31. Anxiety

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Jungkook woke up hours later to find Yoongi and Riri standing in the hospital ward. They both trudged towards him. "How are you feeling now baby? Riri asked.

"I am good Noona. I am sorry I worried you both." He replied.

"Hey, shush. Never use that word again." She interjected and gently nuzzled his hair.

"Are you feeling better now?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook nodded. He missed Jimin. He was happy that his family was here but he needed Jimin too.

"I will go get Doctor." Riri told them and left.

"Hyung, where is my phone? What time is it?" Jungkook asked getting up.

"It has been one day since we brought you here." Yoongi told the boy as he sat beside him and comfortably soothed his back.

"What?" His eyes widened and he felt anxious.

"Don't think about it." Yoongi immediately held his wrist. "Is there something else which is troubling you?" Yoongi asked and he knew Jungkook will not talk to him about Jimin. Not now. Jungkook shook his head.

"Let me know whatever it is. Will you?" Yoongi asked him softly and Jungkook nodded his head.

Riri who had left to call Doctor arrived with him. "How are you feeling Jungkook?" The doctor asked.

"I am feeling fine." Jungkook replied instinctively.

"No you are not." Dr. Jin pointed towards the monitor which was showing his pulse rate, heart beat and blood pressure. Jungkook then looked at his hand connected with the oximeter and other devices, he gulped.

"Can I have word with him? Alone?" Doctor asked and the couple nodded after they patted the boy's head and left.

"Jungkook!" Jin sighed and took in a sharp breathe and sat on a chair beside him. "I know you are worried about things. I know you can't help but think and overthink about it. But you need to learn to control. You need to know when to let go. Keeping things to yourself will not help you take control. In fact you cannot control anything in this world." Jin instructed Jungkook with a soothing tone and younger kept looking at him, disheartened.

"I know about your uncle and I am sorry for your loss but try to let go. Try to have your peace with it. Unless you move on things will not be better." Doctor's tone had a hint of strictness but his voice remained soothing.

"I can't help it Doctor. No matter how hard I try things come back to my mind. I cannot sleep. I cannot do anything with full presence of mind. I zone out a lot. What should I do? How should I let go of all my woes?" Jungkook sounded annoyed.

Doctor sighed again. "This is why I am here. To help you get through it. I recommend you to talk about your feelings. I am not saying you have to visit therapist but if you do it is well and good. But you need to share. It could be your sister or brother or your partner. Any one you trust and feel like home with."

Jungkook's mind ran off to Jimin again. How can he talk to Jimin? He always has a way to make Jungkook feel special in a moment and worthless in next. If Jungkook was being honest, he is a little scared of Jimin. He is someone who Jungkook wants to get close to but he is also someone who Jungkook is afraid of getting close, because Jimin is that mystery for him. He never talks about his feelings. Even after they shared a kiss Jimin instantly switched himself and did not let Jungkook talk to him. He was afraid that he will go back and Jimin will act like nothing happened. It was his biggest fear and insecurity now.

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