34. Come Back To Me

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Jimin feels bone chilling trickle surge down his spine. "No no no. Jungkook!" The car was crushed, laying on road and Jungkook was behind the air bags. There was blood. Jimin's body stops functioning. The cops approach and they spot Park Jimin leaned down near the wreck.

"Sir, please step back. We will get them out." They ask but Jimin does not move.

He was afraid like never before. The car was in flip position and Jungkook could not be seen upside down behind the air bags.

Squinting his eyes, he wanted it to be a nightmare to wake up from. However, he got reel of moments from the first time he saw Jungkook till here. He gets lost. The cops move him back by dragging him by shoulder as ambulance siren is heard with it's beaming red light slovenly falling on shiny tracks of tears on Jimin's face.

He ludicrously snorts a chuckle. "That's what you fucking wanted? To push him away. Why are you crying now?" He tells himself manically.

The tousled seats looked like mob trashed the area, crumpled bonnet of car like a tin can and fuel smell wafting the air like gas leak, the debris and shrapnel indicating horror which took place.

Something inside his brain snaps and he lurches carelessly to the car. Without caring about his hands he intervenes the medical staff who yell at him. "But I can't live without you, Jungkook." He mumbles.

The staff dislocates the seat and frees Jungkook, whose lifeless body falls on the broken seat. Jimin is quick to hold him. They drag him out.

"HEY, CAREFUL." He yells at the rescuers who jump back a little but keep working. Jungkook's body now lay onto black hard surface of asphalt. Jimin immediately thumps on the road and puts Jungkook's head on his lap.

"NO...JUNGKOOK." A heart throbbing wail leaves Jimin. He could not choke back tears anymore and breaks down completely. 

"My baby. You can't leave me. You wanted to be with me right? I am so sorry I am late but I am claiming you. I am so so sorry baby. You wanted pain on account of being with me. Right? Guess what! I will fight it. I won't give you any pain. Please, just please open your eyes. Open your eyes Jungkook."

"Baby", he taps his face gently but Jungkook does not respond. His chest keeps faintly rising and falling unevenly. The staff bring stretcher and lay it by Jungkook's side.

"Sir, please. We need to hurry. We are loosing him." The words hit Jimin's temporal lobe and he stands up deftly. He helps Jungkook's body on the stretcher and they carry him to the ambulance.  Jungkook's hand fall down from it and blood make it's way through. Jimin cries more.

When the ambulance door closes shut carrying Jungkook, two nurses put oxygen mask around his mouth while it speeds to it's full capacity.

Jimin hold's Jungkook's hand and cries looking at him. "Please." He desperately utters in a heart breaking mewl looking at team of doctors.

One doctor pats his shoulder and nods while attaching the pressure cuff to Jungkook's hand to monitor his blood pressure. "His pulse is dropping." He warns and nurse instantly acts on it as she hands him a syringe after plunging liquid from a vial.

Doctor injects it intra venously to Jungkook but then he starts coughing blood and Jimin's eyes widen in fear. Nurse immediately takes off the mask so that he would not choke on blood and wipes it. Jimin holds his hand and feel his own heart getting arrhythmic.

"Baby, I am here. Please hold on. You have to hang on for me. We are almost here. Please. Please Jungkook. Don't leave me yet." He cries and holds his bloodied hand tenderly.

They arrive at the hospital and run inside carrying stretcher. In few minutes Jungkook is tied around IV catheters and defibrillator.

The equipment capturing his ECG and pulse while doctors starting the treatment. Jimin was prohibited inside and he could only see through the glass door. Jungkook was hidden behind the green curtain. Only his face was visible from where he stood and that too was disappearing behind moving figures of nurses and doctors.

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