49. Marriage

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Jungkook woke up feeling his body heavy and stiff with pain while his asshole was narrating similar story.

"Good Morning Baby." Jungkook heard Jimin say from behind his back and he got startled.

Jimin sat on bed and caressed Jungkook's hair.
"Sorry I scared you." He said.

"Good Morning." Jungkook said in a rough voice.

"How are you? Do you feel pain?" Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded.

"A little." He replied and hugged Jimin.

"Was I rough? I am sorry if I was rough. I tried to not be." Jimin said nuzzling his nose in Jungkook's hair.

"You were okay, Jimin. Don't worry." Jungkook replied.

"Just okay? No you-were-huge, not I-had-best-night-of-my-life?" Jimin poked Jungkook's side and the boy slapped his arm while he whined.

"Let me look at your face." Jimin tried to pull him up but Jungkook shook his head in Jimin's neck.

"Are you shy?" Jimin chuckled.

"Come on baby. I need my kiss." Jimin tried again and Jungkook tightened his grip around former's neck.

"I have seen you naked so many times. Are you perhaps shy because you saw me naked last night? Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded.

"Baby, don't be like this. You know, I have a friend whose husband's name is also Jungkook. He doesn't talk and always answers by nodding or shaking his head. My friend has hard time understanding him. Specially after their forced marriage. Good thing is, he is patient, unlike me. So you better give me my kiss or I will make you." Jimin warned.

Jungkook giggled and presented his dark pink face to Jimin.

"Beautiful." Jimin murmured dreamily, looking at Jungkook and then inched closer to kiss those pink pouty lips.

Jungkook moaned lowly and opened his eyes after.

"Can I cook breakfast today?" Jungkook asked and Jimin laughed.

"I would not let you cook even if you were fine, let aside when I gave you pain. Let me pamper you with breakfast in bed." Jimin said in low sexy tone and Jungkook smiled.

In next minute, Ramon appeared with a breakfast tray. "Thanks Ramon." Jungkook said earnestly.

"It is all Jimin." Ramon replied and walked away after putting the tray in front of Jungkook.

There was a glass of Orange juice, French toast, Japanese Omelet and fried Bacon along with a bud vase fiddled with fresh red and yellow tulips.

Jungkook looked at the arrangement and then smiled at Jimin. "Join me." He said.

Jimin climbed on the bed and sat across Jungkook with table in middle.

"So, which friend is this? You should tell me about them." Jungkook asked as his took bite of egg and moaned closing his eyes.

"Consider me jealous of Japanese fucking Omelet." Jimin said gritting his teeth and Jungkook almost spurted the food out as he controlled his laughter.

"Seriously! tell me." Jungkook kept at it.

"Well, my first friend is Kai and second one is Kyla." Jimin told his boy and pinched his cheek.

"Does Kyla know about it?" Jungkook asked and pressed his lips together.

"Baby, you should not mess with me because you know you are now stuck with me." Jimin warned as he raised a fork.

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