26. Wrecking ball

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🔞 Threesome ahead (Skip after Jimin gets inside hotel room)

Jimin left the party and immediately sped up his Porsche to the bar. He needed to get rid of the outburst.

He dials Taehyung on the way.

Hello Baby Boy. What is up? Were you sleeping?

"No, actually I can't sleep these days." Taehyung told him and expected Jimin to ask what happened but he did not.

Well I need you here.

What? Why?

Since when do you need a reason to come to me?

I am busy Jimin. I can't leave everything here and come running to you every time you call me.

That's new.

I am just busy and I am dealing with lot right now. May be once I come out of it, I will come.

But I need you right now.

No you don't.

What do you mean? What is wrong with you today?

Ask that yourself. You are running away from God knows what! But is there truly a place where you can run to, when the problem is You. Nothing else and no one else. It is you.

That's why I need you. You can help me.

No one can. Truth will set you free.

There is no truth. Life is just a series of what ifs.

It hurts to see your heart now belongs to someone else, Jimin.

I don't have a heart.

It was killing Taehyung more to say the bitter truth. Hell, he needed Jimin more than anyone and he was now pushing him away. He was never brave to do it but today he had to. It was becoming toxic for him with every breathe.

Who are you fooling? You have this hole which you fill with sex and power but you will never be full. Never like this, Jimin. You are the people who glom on you. I can't help you any more. I am really sorry but I have taken the decision.

Very well.

The call disconnects.

Taehyung screamed and fell to the ground, sobbing. He knew he had lost Jimin albeit he never was his.


Jimin has never cried in life as long as he remembers but he was now close. The truth was spoken and he did not want to face it. He has known since always that Taehyung had feelings for him. Every single thing Taehyung uttered about him was true and he knew it, but the question was 'if he is strong enough to acknowledge it and make changes'?

Feelings bring pain and anxiety but shutting them down and shoving them far below, there was nothing which a steamy hot sex could not cure.

Jimin had no idea where he was driving to and he only processed it when he found a broad but dark highway leading him out from the city.

He swiftly turned around and stopped at the first bar he found after driving for almost half an hour.


Whether the anonymous feeling in pit of his stomach was due to concentrated alcohol or sorrow? He did not know. He kept taking shots after shots.

He strutted towards the table occupied by ladies. He did not have patience or mood to lure them by sweet talking so he asked upfront, "anyone of you interested to go back to my place?"

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