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Maddie's P.O.V-

I sit in the airport car park alone. I was actually about to fly to London, I couldn't believe this was how my birthday turned out.

I get out of my car and a couple of people walk over requesting pictures but I turn them down. I didn't want people to see me like this. I had bright red eyes as I hadn't stopped crying. I go over to the desk and show the lady my ticket and she smiles.

"Passport?" She smiles sweetly and I show her.


"18 today! First day flying alone. Going anywhere special?"

"I'm flying to London. Can I go?" He smile fades as I walk off. It must have looked weird, an 18 year old girl crying her eyes out wearing a ruined dress.

I get to the departure section and go to the toilets. I change into a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a hoodie, stuffing the dress into my bag. I wash my makeup off and hear my flight getting called. I walk out and everyone stares. I begin to cry as I enter the airplane. This was it, I was leaving Australia for good. I get to my chair and sit down. I sit beside a boy age who looked just as hurt as me.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I'm not okay, you?"

"Life sucks being me" He laughs and I join in.

"What's up with you?"

"I'm leaving my family because they don't get me. They don't like who I am and I can't help it" He sighs and covers his face.

"It's okay, I understand"


"Do you know 5 seconds of summer?"

"They are just one of my favourite bands. Calum is so hottttttt! I knew I recognised you! Anyway, continue..." He smiles.

"I got threats for dating Luke so I broke up with him and now I want to start fresh. I want him to find someone good enough" I sigh.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Have You got anywhere to stay or was it a random thought and here you are?"

"Random thought"I sigh and laugh.

"Same here" We high five and I feel my tears falling.

"It's okay to cry. Come here. I'm Simon by the way" He smiled while hugging me.

"I'm Madeline but you can call me Maddie" I say in between crying. It was nice to have someone to comfort me.

"Well Maddie, we can stick together in London if you want"

"I do. I'm sorry if I'm annoying by the way" I laugh while tears fall out.

"It's okay, you're lucky I'm not crying yet. I will and it will be like Niagara falls" He smirks and I put my head on his shoulder.

The plane ride was very boring and sad as all I could think about was Luke. I would think, cry, think, cry all the way there. I hated it because I felt like I was annoying Simon even though he told me it was fine.

We get off the plane and get our suitcases, then we had no idea what to do. We had no where to stay, no family or friends who lived in London and none of us knew our way around.

"Hey, look, a hotel!" He pointed out after a couple hours of us walking around like lost puppies. We walk over and the girl at the desk smiles pleasantly as we approach.

"Hello, may I help you both?" The English accent was so pretty.

"Hi, can we get two rooms?" I ask. Simon and I were friends but it was a night and I wasn't comfortable in sharing a bed without someone I just met even if he wasn't interested in me.

"Of course! Here you go" We pay the lady and make our way to the rooms. We part and I get into thee room and collapse. All I could do was cry.

After a while, I get up and go to the bed. I sit down and look at my phone. My lock-screen was a picture of Luke and I which made me feel ten times worse.

I kept seeing his texts which made it so upsetting. I saw one from Anna and I decided I should text her to tell her I was alright and I knew it would help Luke.

1 message to Anna:

Hey it's me. I just thought I'd text you to say I'm in London and I'm fine. Well I'm not fine at all but I'm safe in London. Don't bother texting back because I'm getting a new phone soon. Don't ask why I left because you all know. It's not fair having me around you. You all deserve someone better than me. I love you all, tell Luke I wish I didn't have to leave him. Maddie xx

I send it and lock it. I knew she'd reply so I didn't want to get rid of it yet. I lay back on the bed that was surprisingly uncomfortable. I just wanted to be in Luke's arms, I wanted him to tell me everything would be okay even though I knew it wouldn't but that would never happen ever again. I decide to do the one thing that always makes me feel a bit better when I'm sad, listen too sad songs.

I open Youtube and click on my sad playlist. It begins to play 'Lovesick fool' by the cab which I sing to. I used to sing this with Luke and it brought back so many memories. I loved him so much. I switch it off and flop onto the bed. This was the worst pain I had ever felt.


So I know this is getting worse and worse so I'll update lots to get it over with

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