Michael I can help

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Maddie's P.O.V-

*8 months later*

"I'M LEAVING NOW' I hear Luke yell from downstairs so I run. He was going to visit Anna and Calum in hospital as they just had their new baby. She was called Hayley after Anna's favourite singer.

"Have fun Hemmings, don't scare babies with your giant legs" I joke and he fake laughs.

"I'll try not too. Kiss before I go?" I get onto my tip toes and gently brush my lips against his. He laughs and gets his leather jacket which always made my heart melt.

"Don't wear that"

"What? Why? I like this one" He pouts and I smile.

"You don't want to kill the child with your hotness"

"Only you die when I wear this, you little shit" He laughs and slides it on.

"Love you"

"Love you too" He smiles while leaving. I see Michael sitting on the stairs and he looked upset.

I walk into the kitchen and make 2 hot chocolates, gathering all the sugary treats I owned.

I go the stairs where Michael still was sitting. He didn't even notice me until I nudged him out of his thoughts.

"Mikey, you okay?"

"No, not really"

"Missing Lena?" He turned his head away from me. I pull his head to face me and he sighs.

"No" He goes to get up.

"Michael, I can help" He sighs and sits down again.

"It's nothing"

"You can tell me anything Michael"

"I've realised that I don't miss Lena, I just miss having someone. That probably sounds stupid" He said and looks to the ground.

"No it doesn't I understand. Whenever Luke leaves for tour its like a piece of me is gone and it makes me sad"

"Imagine that every single second of everyday"

"That must be horrible, I'm so sorry Michael" I say and put my head on his shoulder.

"People say online that you can get over it fast but I don't think I ever will. I know that's extreme but it's been nearly 3 years"

"Well, you may never get over it but Luke and I still love you and you have us. Lets not forget the 5 million that follow you on twitter" I smirk and so does he.

"You know how to make hot chocolate"

"It makes me happy for some reason. You will find someone Michael, I promise" I smile and so does he.

"So how are you?"

"I'm okay, you?"

"Well..." He laughs.

"You'll get there Clifford, I'll help you"

"Thank you Maddie, you're a really friend" He says and grabs my hand.

"That's what I'm here for Mikey. Well, and dance battles" I giggle.

"Well, let's take my mind off being lonely and beat me at a dance battle" He takes my hand in his and guides me down the stairs.

He begins to start his playlist and begins to dance. I join in with him as he sings and dances. I could still see pain in his eye but I knew he was trying to hide it.

"Want to stop?" I say as I was way too tired to continue and by the looks of it, so was Michael.

"No, I'm not ready" He says as the next song comes on.

"Michael, you've been dancing for nearly an hour"

"I need to keep dancing, to forget" He says and I turn the music off.

"Michael, you've had enough" He shouts and grabs a chair, throwing it.

"I'M NOT READY" He shouts and runs into the kitchen. I stand still for a second until I hear a smash.

I go in and see Michael throwing plates on the ground. I try to calm him down but he shouts at me.

"Michael, calm down. Please"

"Calm down?! Maddie, I'm forever alone what's the point" He says and smashes another piece of china. He swears in anger and I see blood dripping from his hand.

"Michael, you're bleeding" I say and pull him away from the broken china.

"I don't care anymore" He says and cries throwing more making it worse. I pull the plates from his hand and pull him into a calming hug.

"I'm taking you to hospital" I say and drag him to my car. He didn't move for any bit of the journey to the hospital which made me worry. What if he couldn't handle being alone?

"I want someone to love me" He says while getting out.

"I know, I know. Let's get this cleaned first"

"I DON'T WANT IT CLEANED" He shouts and everyone stares. I take him up to the door just as Luke was coming out.

"Maddie? What happened?"

"Follow us" I say and I take Michael up to get it examined.

"So are you going to tell me?"

"He got angry and threw some plates. He's alone Luke and he hates it" I sigh and so does he. I put my head on his shoulder and he kisses my head.

"He didn't hurt you?"

"No, he didn't aim to hurt me either"

"I knew something like this would happen"

"What?" I say getting up.

"Whenever Michael gets sad, he takes his anger out on objects" He sighs as Michael comes out.

"Luke, Maddie, I'm so sorry I'll buy you all new-" Michael stops speaking as Luke gives him a hug.

"It's okay, you're hurting" He says and Michael finally relaxes. I really wish Michael didn't feel this way.


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