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Luke's P.O.V-

I sit on a bench in school with Michael and Calum just talking about the band.

"So, anyone wrote any songs lately?"

"I'm in the middle of one" Calum says smiling.

"What's it called?"

"Gotta get out" He replies looking proud.

"That sounds fun"

"It's not, it's about the earth falling apart"

"Oh wow" I say and we all laugh. Sadly, Maddie wasn't in school today so I couldn't talk to her. It was so weird to think that our conversation was real.

The bell for the end of school rings and I collect all my things before walking home. I come close to my street when I find someone in my way.

"Excuse me" I say and try to get past. Nothing. They just stand there, blocking my way. I look up from my phone and see Matt, the worst guy at our school. It was funny though because I was 6 foot and he was short.

"Hey Luke"

"What do you want?" I roll my eyes as I say it.

"I want to chat to you, can I do that?"

"Sorry, I have to get home"

"We are going to chat, I don't care what you have to to do" He says and I sigh.


"So, who's your crush?"


"You have to like someone in our school" He laughs.

"I'd rather not gossip with you" I say and begin to walk off.

"TOO AFRAID THAT I'LL TELL THAT FREAK MADDIE THAT YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HER?" I walk back to him fast and he flinches.

"She is not a freak, she is a human being who happens to be a lot nicer than you"

"Go away Luke, run to that idiot convention you call a band" This time I got extremely angry and forget to stay calm. I punch Matt's nose, making him bleed. He stands back covering his nose.

"You're gonna regret that Hemmings!" He says and runs off. I laugh at him and begin to walk back home.

I get back to my house and sit in my room. I check Twitter to find we had 300 new followers on the band account so I tweet saying thank you and log off. I sat in my room and relaxed for the rest of the night.

Why did he care so much about me liking Maddie? What was the point in finding out even if I did?


I can't feel my back because I've been standing up for so long ahhh😪

2 away from 100! I'm so happy! Ily💕

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