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Luke's P.O.V-

I walk out of the class, Calum by my side as we see Michael and his girlfriend Lena turning up. They were holding hands, deep in conversation.

"If it isn't Lichael?" Calum says in his
usual giggly voice. Michael smiles and kisses her cheek.

"You two actually make me smile at how cute you are and you're the only couple that does" I say and we all walk over to the bench where we sit and eat lunch.

I turn my head and see Maddie sitting alone eating pizza making me feel sad. I hated people being alone and she wa always alone.

"Maybe I should ask Maddie to come and sit with us" I quietly say to Calum who shakes his head and frowns.

"Don't you dare, can't you see she wants to be alone?"

"No one should be alone" I say while getting up and walking over to the bench with her on.

"Luke!" Calum shouts but I ignore him.

"Hi Maddie, want to come sit with me and my friends? We'd let you" I say and she looks up a little. I caught my first real glimpse of her face.

She wore big glasses and had braces. Her skins wasn't clear but I don't think any teenager's was at that age. She wasn't the prettiest girl around but even with this, she was beautiful and I could feel a crush was slowly developing. She shakes her head and continues to eat so I sigh.

"Okay, I'll go back if you want" She nods and I get back up. I sit next to Calum who glares at me.

"Why did you do that? Look how on edge she is now!" I turn I look at her as she was looking at our bench.

"Everyone should have at least one friend"

"Her friends are her books Luke, everyone knows that"

"Well, she could also have me as a friend as well if she wanted to" I say not taking my eyes off her. She looks down and walks off.

"See, don't get upset Luke, she doesn't like anyone" I sigh as she runs off and the popular people of the year sit down.

We all get up and walk to the other side of the school and we wait for the bell to ring to go into next class.

I stand next to Calum as Michael and Lena stare into each others eyes.

"You're actually adorable"

"I try to be cute for you" She replies pecking his lips.

"Ewww cringe" Calum jokes. I smile at how cute they are. I wanted a relationship like this when I was older, they made each other so happy.

We finally leave school and I walk a different way today as there was some work being done on the pavements. I stop in my tracks as I see Maddie in front.

She looked like she was struggling to carry all her books and I walk a bit faster. I see a group of people appear and stop right in front of her.

They push her books and she bends down to pick them up. They burst out with laughter as one kicks a puddle, splashing all the dirty water at her.

They leave and I run over. I help her pick her books up and a small smile appears on her face. Her eyes fill with tears and she storms off as she notices me looking at her. I stare at her for a while before she turns and walks in the other direction.

I get to my house where my mum had left a note saying her and my dad went out shopping. Luckily, my two brothers weren't in either so I went to my living room where I made popcorn and watch TV.

I see my door open and Michael runs in, Lena behind him.

"What are you guys doing in here?"

"My parents aren't home and I forgot my key" He winks while wiggling his eyebrows, hinting he wanted me to help him out.

"I have your key Mikey" I say and hand him his key.

"Oh. STOP STEALING MY STUFF HEMMINGS" He shouts exiting my house. I laugh as I see him skipping out my window.

I watch Lena come back and she tells me that Michael tripped over. I come out and hear him giggle.

"Michael! Are you okay?"

"Yeah I just cut my knee"

"Want a band-aid?"

"Yeah please" Lena and I get a band-aid. We take it out and clear it up for him.

"Thanks Lukey" He says and slowly walks to his house, Michael was so weird.

As my parents come home, I go to my room and listen to music while finishing my homework.

I open up Facebook and find Ashton, who wanted to be our drummer, had text me. I text him asking to come over mine tomorrow after school and he agrees.

I then spot a video with the title 'idiot' and press play. I see Maddie trip over and then get some people laugh at her. That was it, I couldn't take this. Next time, I'm going to help her.

I hope you like it! Thank you for 25+ reads on my first chapter! I'm quite confident on this fan fiction so please recommend it ❤

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