Luke... We have a problem....

181 13 0

Maddie's P.O.V-

I wake up, Luke onto of me. I push him off gently and he continues his small snores. He was so cute. I check my phone for the time and see it was 10 am. I smile and look to Luke who was asleep.

I get up and go into the bathroom. I get in the shower and wash away all my sleep. That's when it hit me, I was late. I quickly get out the shower and dry myself. I change into some clothes and get into the room. I wake Luke up and he glares.

"Maddie stop, it's like 7am"

"It's nearly 11 and this is serious Luke"

"What's up?"

"Luke...we have a problem..."

"What?" He sits up and looks at me scared.

"I'm late"

"Where are you meant to be going?"

"Not that kind of late" I say biting my lip.

"Oh shit" He says and covers his face.

"What are we going to do?" I say and collapse on the bed.

"I'll go out, buy a test and then I'll come back and we can do it together"

"Okay, bad idea"


"The fans will follow you and people will see you bought one. I'll go"


"No buts. We did this together. I'll go buy one and you meet the fans outside to distract them and be nice. Deal?"

"Deal" He kisses my cheek and he gets changed.

"Here we go" I say nervously. I go to open the door but Luke stops me.

"I'll still love you and will be here for you even if you are..." He says and I smile.

"I love you so much" I kiss him and we leave.

We go downstairs and I walk out first. I meet a couple of fans before I make my way into the streets of L.A. I get to the pharmacy and enter. Where do they even keep that kind of stuff?

"Can I help you?" A girl says and I nod.

"I, uh, am, uh looking for a-"

"Pregnancy test?"

"Yeah" I sigh.


"Yeah" I say biting my lip.

"Here" She gives me the test and I smile. I quickly pay and slide it into my bag. I leave the shop and walk straight into someone.

"Hey, watch out"


"Oh hey, sorry my fault. What are you doing out?"

"Uhhh I wanted to explore LA"

"In a pharmacy?" He says raising his eyebrows.

"Luke has a sore throat"

"You should buy throat sweets instead of a pregnancy test then"


"It's literally poking out your bags" He says. I look down and shove it to the bottom of my bag before anyone else notices.

"I'll catch you later Cal" I say and walk in the other direction.

"MADDIE" He shouts but I ignore him. I keep thinking about Luke and I, our lives would change so much if this came out positive.

I see the hotel and spot a couple fans. No sign of the test so I go and see them. They were all sweet as usual and were telling me about how much they loved 5sos which was adorable. I go up to our room and see Luke pacing the floor. He sees me and runs over, giving me a giant hug.

"It's okay, I'm here Maddie"

"I'm okay, I am" I smile as he pulls off.

"Do you need to pee?" He say clenching his teeth.

"A little. Fuck I'm nervous"

"Join the club" He says and we sit on the edge of the bed.

"Calum spotted me today when I was getting it"

"Did he see it?"

"Yeah" I sigh and cover my face.

"Are you crying?"

"We're not ready Luke! I'd suck as a mum! What if I am pregnant?"

"We'll have to deal with it like responsible adults even though we weren't" He says and I nod. He grabs my hand for support.

"I'm going to do it" I say standing up. He joins me and I grin.


"You're going to watch me pee?"

"Oh yeah, sorry" I laugh and walk into the bathroom. I stand in the mirror for a while just cursing myself for getting into this situation. I watch out and join Luke as we wait. I hear our door go and Luke looks confused.

"Who is it?"

"Calum. Let me in" He says and Luke unlocks the door.


"You're pregnant?" He asks.

"I don't know"

"You're both idiots. Did this never occur to you when you were doing it?"

'Bigger fish to fry at that point Cal" Luke sighs. He sits down beside me and so does Luke. We all just sit and wait.

"Did you tell Anna?"

"No point, I didn't know if you were or not"

"Cal, are you angry at us?" Luke says sadly.

"No I'm just disappointed. You guys are nearly 22, you should know what to do by now"

"I know-" Luke gets interrupted by the test beeping.

"Here I go" I sigh and pick it up. Blue. I wasn't pregnant.


"It's negative" I could sense the relief in the room. I collapse on the bed, both boys joining me.

"What would we do if you were?" Luke asks.

"I don't know, be parents"

"I'm glad we're not. Yet anyway" He kisses my cheek.

"Me too" I sigh.

"What does this teach you?" Calum smirks.

"BE SAFE HEMMINGS" I say and slap his arm.

"Okay chill, it takes 2 to tango though Maddie" He says raising his eyebrows making Calum and I laugh.

"You know how to lighten a mood" I giggle and he pulls me into a hug.

"I love you Maddie"

"I love you more Luke"

"My cue to leave, be safe" Calum laughs and leaves. We lay on the bed for a while. He just plays with my hands because he always told me how much he loved my little hands. We lay there just chatting before I get hungry and order food.


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