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Luke's P.OV-

I stand in Maddie's room looking around. She wasn't anywhere to be seen and it was lunch time. Where was she? I ring her phone again but only voicemail. I quickly run downstairs and tell my mum who looked just as worried as I tell her.

"Maddie! She's gone and she won't answer her phone"

"Oh honey, I'm sure she's just out"

"Mum she's not replying to any of my calls or texts. Mum, she's gone. GONE AGAIN. How did I let it happen?" I sigh and she gives me a hug.

"What's wrong?" I hear Maddie's soft voice say. I turn around and there she was, takeout food in her hand.

"MADDIE" I say wrapping my arms around her. She carefully wraps her broken arm around me making sure she didn't crush the food.

"What happened?"

"He thought you left him again" My mum replies, I could've killed her in this moment of time.

"You did?"

"You weren't replying. Okay, I over reacted"

"Luke don't worry, it's okay. I understand you still get nervous when I leave"

"I'm sorry! I just don't want to lose you again"

"You won't" She puts her food on the table and gives my a hug back.

"I love you so much" I say squeezing her tightly.

"I love you too. Now, do you want to eat food?"

"Yessssssss" I say and slide onto the kitchen counter. She gives me food and I quickly eat it as I was starving. She walks upstairs and winks. Damn it, she left me to wash up. I clean all the plates and run after her. I find her sitting in her room on her phone so I sit behind Maddie and hug her. She instantly shivers and I giggle.

"You're shivering!" I say rubbing her arms for heat.

"It's what you do to me"

"Wait, you're not actually cold?"

"Not really. But then again, your cold hands touching my skin does make me shiver. You never have warm hands"

"I know" I look to the floor.

"But ever heard that saying? Cold hand warm heart" She winks and gets up.

"Have you heard the other one about feet?" I joke.

"Yep" She smirks.

"Just for the heads up, I have very big feet" I reply looking smug and her eyes open in shock. She burst out into laughter and so do I.

"Thanks for that Luke" She clenches her teeth trying the stop laughing.

"I have an idea" I say.

"Okay what is it?"

"I want to take you on a date"

"What? A boyfriend taking his girlfriend on a date? That's so original!"

"Your sarcasm wasn't needed Miss Day"

"What are you going to do about it?" She says raising her eyebrows.

"Well..."I press her back against the wall and she smile. I place my two hands on her hips and pull myself in, closer to her. She forcefully puts her lips to mine, grabbing my two hands. The kiss becomes more passionate as she wraps her legs around my waist.

"Luke, can you- SHIT. I guess you're busy" Maddie and I pull off quickly and she jumps down as my mum walks in.

"I should get changed" She says awkwardly going into the bathroom leaving me alone with my mum.

"Look at Luke getting all PG 18 on me"

"Mum..." I say and she soon realises that I was her son.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings! That behaviour is not tolerated in this house! I do not want you and Maddie doing any of that stuff in my house! You understand me?"

"Yes mum" I say and she glares at me, she was dead serious with stuff like this.

"Good because I don't want to have that upstairs when I'm watching TV or hear you the middle of the night when I'm laying awake"

"Okay, I go the picture. It won't happen again. No kisses or hugs"

"You can kiss and hug, just no more extreme passion 'I'm going to press you against the wall' kisses when I'm around. Got it?"

"Yes" She ruffles my hair and leaves as Maddie walks in. She stands in front of me and a smirk appears on her face.

"I'm sorry, that was sooooo awkward"

"My fault. Don't worry" I smile and kiss her cheek. She begins to get ready, applying more makeup. I didn't see why, she was stunning without it. I often wondered why I was the only boy in our school to have a crush on her, she was so beautiful, she still is.

"I'm all ready" She smiles and I nod. I take my hand in hers and we walk out of my house. I guide her to he beach where we wrote 'the only reason' together. I go to the exact spot and sit her down.

"Happy 2 year anniversary to you" I say and kiss her.

"I thought it was in a couple of months?"

"Yeah, this is out anniversary of you finally talking to me"

"Damn it! I didn't remember, I'm so sorry"

"Mads it's fine, I remembered and so now you do. We can have a nice date now" I smile. We sit and talk for a while just like when we first talked and it felt so natural to me, I loved our dates like this.

"Lets go home" I say and she nods. I take her hands in mine and pull her up. She comes into my arms and I kiss her. I hear a small click and stop. I pull away from Maddie and see a couple people with cameras.

"Quickly!" I say gesturing towards my house and she nods. We walk fast toward my house as the people who had cameras were following us. We go to my room and heat ourselves up. I open up Twitter and see the pictures along with some strange captions.

"It's okay Luke, I don't mind' Maddie says and I know she's lying, she just wanted to make me feel better.


It sucks, I know

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