Planning it

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Maddie's P.O.V-

*3 months later*

I walk towards a small shop in town that sold flowers. I really liked their flowers and they'd look amazing in our wedding. I was currently wedding shopping and I knew Luke wouldn't want to pick flowers so I did it alone.

"Hey, I'm Maddie, here about the wedding"

"Oh do come in" At that exact moment, I felt the boredom that I was about to face.

After 3 hours of staring at orchids and tulips, I finally buy some flowers and leave. I was so happy it was over. Yes, I got excited when I was planning it but it was so boring. I get to the dress shop when I get a call from Anna.

"Excuse me, Luke just told me you were out shopping for the wedding. If this means you are buying the dress, give me the address"

"Why?" I laugh.

"You're not buying your wedding dress alone, that's not right. You need your best friend"

"And maid of honour"

"WHAT?!" I turn the call off and text her the address as I wait outside. I had ways dreamt about this day for many years, the day I'd pick my wedding dress.

I see Anna's car pull up and I run over. She runs towards me too and when we meet, we cuddle.

"MAID OF HONOUR?! OF COURSE I WILL" She laughs and I smirk.

"I meant Calum"

"Shut up" She laughs. We walk in and I pull out all the dresses I like. I get them all in my size and begin to try them on. There were no special dresses and I only had one left. If this didn't look nice, I had no idea what I'd do.

I finish getting into the dress and turn to the mirror. I see myself in the dress and my heart melts. This was the perfect dress, it actually made me look nice.

"You ready mads?"

"Yep" I say and walk out. She stands up, tears in her eyes. She looks at me up and down and gasps.

"That dress is beautiful, especially on you. Do you like it?"

"I love it" I smile and the say agrees with us. I take off the dress and pay. I was finally done wedding shopping and it was all planned out apart from Luke's tuxedo.

"Lets go home" I smile and she nods. I drive back to Luke and I's house. I get inside and see Luke in just his boxers, dancing by the TV.


He turns around and sees me. I burst into laughter and he stops in his steps.

"Aww Luke, you're so cute but Anna is here"

"Oh shit, let me go upstairs" He says, his cheeks bright red. He grabs his clothes and runs upstairs. I invite Anna in and we go to the living room.

"I love your house Maddie, it's much cleaner then mine and Calum's"

"I have to live with Luke Hemmings so of course I have a neat house. Apart from the bathroom, it's always messy"

"Calum says that. He always asks me 'does Maddie ever complain about how messy Luke is in the shower' don't ask why" She laughs and so do I. We both get comfy and begin to watch a film together, just like a little sleep over.

"I have my wedding dress" I say as it finally hits me. I was getting married In less than a month and I finally had my dress.

"Isn't it exciting?! I can't wait, it's going to be magical"

"I've been dreaming about this since I was 12. I never thought I'd ever happen with my crush" I giggle.

"You had a crush on Luke?" She says getting excited.

"Yeah, let's be honest, we all had a crush at some point"

"Yeah we did. Mine was always Michael" She laughs and I look at her shocked.

"No way"

"I'm kidding, I love my Asian kid" She laughs.

"Damn, thought I was hot then" Michael says and I jump.

"Fuck Michael" I say putting my hand to my heart.

"Did I scare you?" He laughs and sits on the sofa with us.

"Yes you did" I giggle.

"So, how was both of your days" He asks us.

"Mine has been awesome because Maddie asked me to be her maid of honour" She giggles and Michael smiles.

"And youuuuu" He says leaning his head on my legs.

"I found my wedding dress so I am the happiest girl alive right now" I say and think about the dress, it was perfect.

"Well I'm glad you both had a great day"

"What about you?" I ask while Anna and I put of head on his shoulder like he does.

"It wasn't too bad, I played video games, ate food, missed Lena and talked to Luke so mixed emotions really" I hug him tightly as I could see the tears building up in his eyes as he said her name.

"Michael, it's okay to cry" Anna says and he releases his tears.

"I miss her so much. She was a bitch but she was my bitch. Now she doesn't care about me"

"I know, I'm so sorry about all of this Michael" I say and he leans his head on me. I hated Michael being upset but I couldn't do anything.


I'm annoyed. I tweeted one thing and I instantly got hate so yeah, don't tweet your opinion on Twitter or you'll get attacked

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