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Maddie's P.O.V-

*6 months later*

I wake up on top of Luke. This bunk was smaller than a single bed and Luke was the biggest person I had ever met, the two didn't mix.

I look down at his cute face and hear his soft snores which makes me smile. He opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Good morning Luke" I whisper and kiss his lips gently.

"Morning mads" He says and squints. I quietly laugh at how adorable he looked when he was tired.

"I'm going to make breakfast" I say checking my phone and seeing it was 10am.

"Okay, have fun" He smiles and begins to play a game on a phone I hadn't seen before.

"I didn't know you had an iPhone 4"

"I have two phones. My iPhone 4 has service in the uk. and my iPhone 6 is my personal use in Australia"

"Damn, the iPhone 4 looks tiny in your hand"

"So does your hand" He says smiling and grabbing my hand.

"Smooth Hemmings" I say and I jump down as he giggles. I lean up to see him and he smiles at me.

"Toast please"

"Just toast?" I wink.

"I'm craving bacon actually"

"Alright, you know I'm am awesome cook" I joke. I had always cooked for my family so I was a pretty decent cook.

"I'll take one also" I hear Michael whisper from the other bunk.

"Sure thing Clifford" I say back and walk to the kitchen where I see Harry. I smile and sit on the counter top.

"Hey mad"

"Hazza" I wink.

"Breakfast for 3?"

"Luke, me and Michael. What about you?"

"I'm making something for Zayn"


"Shut up, I'm Larry all the way" He winks and leaves. I laugh a bit as I knew if any Directioners heard that, they'd probably cry. I begin to cook when I feel two hand on my hips. I look down and see Luke's familiar hands touching me.


"How did you know?" He laughs

"The hands. I could never forget them" I bite my lip as he kisses my neck.

"You done yet? I'm starving"

"I would be if you weren't distracting me" I laugh and so do he. I hand him some food and he smiles.

"You're the besssstttt"

"Yeah yeah, get Mikey" He walks out as I clean the kitchen. We all sit on the sofa and watch 'Nemo'

"NO NEMO GET YOUR BUTT AWAY FROM THE BUTT" Michael shouts making me and Luke laugh.

"Calm Mikey" Luke says patting his leg.

"Look! The dumb ass actually did touch it. Your fault" He says just as Calum walks in.

"Guys, you need to get ready"


"We need to be on the plane in 4 hours" I get up along with muke and we begin to pack. I didn't take too much so it wasn't hard for me.

We were all finally ready, 3 hours later and the bus driver packed the bus. Over a thousand girls were running towards it making me terrified. They all knew that now I was dating Luke, how would they react?

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