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Calum's P.O.V-

I wake up and see Ashton talking to Anna. I pretend to sleep and listen to what they were talking about.

"He hates me"

"He'll get over this, trust me An"

"I didn't even kiss him" Now I get up and walk over, anger taking over me.

"How did you know his name?" I ask and she tears up.


"JUST TELL ME" I shout and I hear a little groan from Luke's bunk.

"Cal? Why are you shouting?"

"Go back to sleep Luke" I hear a thud and turn around. Luke stands there, Maddie staring at us from his bunk.

"No, you need to sort this out"

"Okay, I'll make it easy. Tell me how you know his name and I'll stop shouting. Simple"

"I told you, we were friends when he lived in Australia"

"So you met up with an old friend?"


"So why did you say you were shopping alone?"

"I knew you wouldn't like it Cal"

"Why? Because you were dating him behind my back!"

"Cal, he's only a friend. Why do you think I pushed him off me when he tried to hug me?"

"But when you kissed him you were fine with it" I say and the tears build up. I blink, accidentally releasing a few.

"Calum, I'm so sorry"

"Don't be, I don't care. We are done"

"Calum no" She cries. It hurt to see her like this, she was m everything.

I walk back to my bunk and lay down, pulling my curtain across. I put my earphones in and blast the foo fighters. Soon, Luke comes into my bunk and calms me down.

"Cal, talk to me"

"I've been dating her for nearly 18 months Luke. How could she?"

"She didn't kiss him calum, you saw her push him off"

"I doubt it"

"She did! We all saw. Why are lying to yourself"

"We told each other our secrets once on a date and she told me he was her crush since she was 7 and she would have kill to date him. Feelings like that jut don't die" I say and sigh.

"I'm sure she has feelings for him but she likes you way more! Calum, she would have dated Brodie if she liked him more"

"She's probably only here for the fame" I say and he shakes his head.

"You know that's not true. She's serious about you Calum. Don't jump to conclusions" He says and leaves.

I lay there for a while thinking about what he said. She did have feelings for me but she also had feelings for Brodie. What was I going to do? Could I even forgive her?

I get up and walk past Anna who was currently crying on the sofa with Maddie comforting her. I quickly go to the games room where I found Louis and we began to play Fifa together, it took my mind off things for a while.

About 4 hours later I go back into the bed room where I had left Anna crying. I take her into my bunk and her cries stop.

"Calum, I'm s-"

"Save it. I didn't bring you here to talk" I press my lips against hers and she wraps her warm hands around my neck. I pull her into me and she giggles.

After half an hour of everything other than talking, we lay beside each other. I stare into her beautiful eyes and relax.

"You forgive me?"

"I was stupid, I'm sorry" I sigh and she smiles.

"I was stupid not telling you that I was seeing him. I'm so sorry"

"It's okay, come here' I say and she rests her head on my chest, her arms wrapped around my waist.

"I love you" I say and she looks at me shocked.

"I love you too Calum Hood" She kisses my lips and I smirk. She was mine again and I was extremely happy.


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