Going home

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Maddie's P.O.V-

I put my suitcase into the back of a taxi and smile, I was finally going home to Australia.

"You excited?" Luke asks while wrapping his arms around me.

"I can't wait to go home, I'm just scared your family will hate me"

"They won't, you'll be fine. They miss you just as much as me" He kisses my lips and I smile.

We get into the taxi and he grabs my hand. I look at my house as we drive off. It was sad leaving this place but I was excited to go back to Australia. We arrive at the airport and we see thousands of fans outside.

"Maybe I should come in afterwards"

"It'll look obvious. Why would you want to anyway?"

"I don't want people to think I just go to the nearest boy possible"

"Zayn is with Perrie all over the news and everyone is waiting to see you out and about. They feel bad for you, not Zayn"

"You sure?"

"Trust me" He kisses my cheek and opens the door. The whole outside erupts in screams and I begin to get nervous.

"What if they hate me for leaving you?" I say and tears build up.

"They won't, I promise. Listen mads, I'm going to be there all the way into the plane. If anyone says anything, I'll be there with you. I'm always going to be here" I smile and pull his lips onto mine.

I pull off as he takes me out where all the screams stop. I bite down hard on my lip and tears build up.



'I love you so much!'

'You're a bitch!'


I hear their fans and I smile. Only a couple of negative which wasn't too bad. Luke grabs my hand and we meet some fans. Then, Luke takes me in once we had our suitcases. We get to the airplane and we all grab our seats. I was luckily sitting next to Luke and Michael as that's where an empty seat was. The put me the middle as they usually fought about anything.

"This will be fun, sitting beside Muke"

"Well, Muke loves you" Michael replies and they both hug me.

"Every girls dream" I say and hug them back.

"You excited mads?" Michael smiles.

"I can't wait to go home, I've really missed Australia"

"Australia has missed you" He giggles as the plane takes off. I remembered Luke was quite scared of flying so I grab his hand tightly to show him that he wasn't alone.

"I'm here" I say and put my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you mads"

"I love you" I kiss his cheek slowly and gently making him smile.

Soon enough, we were in the air normally and Luke was okay. All three of us decided that Mario kart was needed and all began to play. Obviously, Michael won considering he lives to play that game. After a long trip, we were finally in Australia and I could already feel the heat. We get our luggage and finally leave the airport where there are more confused fans.

"Maddie's?" A small fan asked and I walked over.

"Yeah it's me"

"I thought you were dating Zayn?"

"I was but we decided we weren't right together. We decided to just be friends"

"That's cool, I ship you with Luke more"

"Thank you, I really love Luke" I smile and we take a few pictures. She was really sweet which made me realise that not every fan hated me.

"My car is outside" Ashton smiles and we follow him. We pile in and he begins to drive home. I see Luke's house and I tense up. Luke notices and kisses my cheek.

"You'll be fine, thy love you" I smile and we get out.

"See you later Luke!" Ashton winks and drives off. I grab our suitcases and wait outside Luke's door.

"MUM! DAD!" He shouts and I hear Liz running over.

"Luke! How are you? Have the tears stopped?"

"Yeah I haven't cried for since I've been in London"

"You're okay again?"

"I'm fine"

"Luke I'm sorry. I really wish it worked out. Maddie was a lovely girl" She sighs.

"Mum, do you hate her?"

"Who Maddie? No, it's not her fault. I just wish she didn't have to leave" I smile and keep my tears locked up. Luke comes out to get the suitcases along with Liz when she spots me.

"Hi Liz" I smirk.

"MADDIE? WHAT?" She runs over and hugs me.

"I'm sorry I left"

"What are you doing here? Luke, did you know?"

"Mum, I crashed her wedding and practically stole her away" He laughs while biting his lip.

"And I'm so glad he did" I wink and Liz smiles at me.

"You're both so cute, I'm so happy for you. Welcome home" I run to Luke and wrap my arms around him. He bites his lip making my heart melt and I kiss him. I forcefully press my lips against his and he gets taken back. He soon joins in and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"I'm going to leave you now" I hear Liz say and we continue for a while before I lose my breath. I jump down and he smiles as I pant. We take our bags inside and I see Liz again.

!Liz, can I talk to you?"

"Of course" She smiles and luke continues to put our stuff away.

"Am I still welcome here?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Because I'm a bitch for leaving your son"

"We all make mistakes Maddie, it's alright" She smiles and gives me a hug. I was so happy to be back.



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