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Luke's P.O.V-

I get ready for bed and go downstairs to see my mum.

"Heyyyyy sweetie"

"Hi mum" I hug her.

"What's this for?"

"I'm moving out in 6 days and I won't get to hug you every day before bed anymore" I see her eyes tear up.

"That's true"

"Don't cry, I'll be 10 minutes away"

"It's just scary. You're my youngest son and you're leaving me. I'm emotional" She smiles and wipes her eyes.

"I understand" I sigh and hug her tighter.

"Don't feel bad though, I'm happy you're making a life for yourself and Maddie" I smile.

"Thanks mum"

"And the house is beautiful so I'll be coming over lots" She laughs.

"Good, I still want a close relationship with you even if we're not living together"

"You always will. Now, go to bed, it's late" She smiles and I go to my bedroom where I see Maddie laying on my bed.

"BOO!" She yells and throws socks at me.

"Really? Boo? I can see you"

"Ruin my fun then" She sighs and I smirk. I walk over and kiss her cheek making her give in and kiss me.

"Let us sleep" She smirks and I turn the lights off. I cuddle into her side as she giggles.

"You're so cold but I love you" She says as her body heat makes me hotter.

"I love you too beautiful" I kiss her cheek and fall into a deep sleep.


'Some things were meant to be kept secret' She jokes and we both laugh. I follow her eyes to the window as she immediately stops.

My mouth drops as I see a shadow in the window. It had a white mask on and we both stare when I see the misty figure pull out a gun.

He then takes the mask off and begins to chuckle creepily. I see the face of Zayn, Maddie's ex boyfriend. He aims the gun at Maddie and pulls the trigger. I hear a small yell from Maddie and my world falls apart.

"MADDIE" I shout an run over. There was blood covering my hands but all I cared about was Maddie. I see Zayn run off while smirking and I wanted to kill him.

My life seemed to go slower as I waited for the ambulance. I sat there with Maddie in my arms. I cried and soon the ambulance arrived.

"Sir, your fiancé is dead" I cried at the words.

"No, no, no" I kept repeating the same word. She was 26. My beautiful fiancé killed at the age of 26. I would never see her again.

I wake up and my heart begins to beat fast. I sit up and see Maddie, fast asleep beside me.

I feel tears trickle out and I sob along with it. I cover my eyes and cry. I try to keep my cries as quiet as possible as I didn't want to wake anyone.

"Luke?" Maddie says quietly and I wipe my eyes.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I had a nightmare"

"What was it about?"

"You. You got shot. By Zayn"

"Oh my god, Luke" I could see the horror in her eyes as she hugged me.

"I know! It's stupid, Zayn is fine now I just feel like I'm an mean person for stealing you from him"

"Luke, he's happy. He has Perrie. They're engaged and I love you way more than I could or ever did love him"

"I know. I hate these dreams. They're so creepy" I sigh and lay down.

"I know and I wish you didn't have them. It's the 5th one you've have this week" She says and lays her head on my chest.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"You're just nervous or scared over something. I read online" She smiles at me.

"Must be moving house. Pretty stressful time" She nods.

"Let's hope you don't get them in the new house" She kisses me gently and I smile.

"I'm sorry that I scared you"

"Luke, you can't help it, don't worry about it. I want to help you" She kisses me again and cuddles into me. I really hoped I wouldn't have these in the new house, they were getting more realistic each time which worry me.


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