Come get me

508 26 8

Luke's P.O.V-

I walk back to the stage as most people leave when I see the dress again. She was stood by the merch stand staring back at me.

I run over to her and she wraps her arms around my neck. I pull her into a warm hug and all I hear is her sigh.

"You came back"

"I promised you I would" She says, her voice mumbled as her face was buried in my neck.

"I never thought I'd ever see you again"

"You don't get rid of me that easy" I smile as she pulls off.

"I never wanted too" I say as she smiles sadly and looks to the ground.

"Luke, I'm so sorry I left like that. I just couldn't deal with anyone anymore. I wish I didn't have to hurt you"

"You didn't hurt me, I didn't mind" I say and immediately regret it.

"Oh" She says and stiffens up.

"Okay I'm lying. I cried for weeks after you left"

'You don't have to lie to me to make me feel better, it's okay"

"He's not" I turn to see my mum smiling. She walks over to us and I see Maddie look nervous.

"Are you confident enough to talk to other people now?" I whisper.

"I'll try my best" She says back and takes my hand. I feel my stomach erupt with butterflies as she does.

"Hi mum, you've met Maddie"

"Hey Maddie, nice to see you again"

"It's lovely to see you Mrs Hemmings, how about you?" I see the shock on my mum's face.

"A little shocked. It's weird to hear you speak, your voice is beautiful" I see my mum tear up for some weird reason.

"Thank you. I, uh, gained a bit of confidence when me and Luke first started seeing each other"

"Well I'm sure he gained some as well. Look at him now, lip piercing and singing in front of crowds. Who knew?" I smile as my mum walks off. I take Maddie's hand in mine once again.

"I have to admit, I like that piercing. You look 10 times hotter"

"I do?" I say and play with it as feel myself begin to blush.

"Yep. I didn't think it was possible for you to get any hotter" She says in a joking manor. I laugh and she bites her lip.I walk a little closer, taking her waist in my hands. I pull her towards me and she giggles.

"Catch me if you want me" She laughs and breaks free. I chase after her, laughing as I run.

Her little white dress dances as she runs, her heels tapping against the floor. He hair flowed down her back and it was the most beautiful shade of brown. She was amazing.

She stopped soon as she got out of breath so I caught her. She sits down a chair that was put out for the concert and looks at the stage.

"I bet it's awesome to perform up there" She smiles.

"It is. It feels like magic. You should try it, you have an amazing voice"

"Luke, I can barely talk to your mum let alone song in front of hundreds"

"I know but I'm just saying, you have a great singing voice"

"Why thank you Hemmings" She says referring to her old nickname for me.

"I missed you a lot"

"I bet I missed you more"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really. I'm only back here for you" She winks.

"Why did you come back? Why did you want to see me again?"

"I had serious feelings for you and I thought about you everyday. You probably forgot about me but it's okay"

"No I didn't! I think about you the second I wake up. Every single day. And a tear always manages to escape"

"You do?"

"Of course! I wrote a song about you. I was in a bad place when you left"

"What's it called?"


"Amnesia?" She questions.

"Yeah, it's quite sad"

"I bet" She bites her lip.

"So, where are you staying?"

"I guess I'll go home and live with my parents"

"They must have missed you like crazy"

"Yeah, that's my parents" She says sarcastically. I got the feeling she didn't like talking about her parents but I didn't want to ask in case she wasn't comfortable.

"We should go Luke" My mum shouts and I nod. It was getting late and I didn't want to make Maddie tired.

"We can drive you home if you want Maddie"

"It's okay, I wouldn't want you to go to any trouble" She replies sweetly.

"It's no problem at all"

"That would be great, thank you" She smiles and so do I.

We all get into my mum's car. My brother took up most of the room so I sat Maddie on my knee. I had to admit, it was an awkward car journey.

We stop outside Maddie's street and we get out. My family all drive home and I see Maddie look worried.

"You okay?"

"Luke, you don't have to walk me home, I won't leave again"

"I just want to make sure you're okay and got in safe"

"It's fine, honestly"

"I'm coming with you"

"No, go home" She says and walks down her street. I wonder why she wouldn't let me come but I knew she wouldn't tell me. I was just so happy she was back.


So I updated because I hit 700 reads and I felt all happy inside☺️

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