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Luke's P.O.V-

*1 week later*

I hold Maddie's hand as I stare in the distance. I look out her window and the birds flying along. I hear the door open behind me and Michael walks through. I smile and he sits beside me, Michael came to visit her everyday like me as they were best friends.

"Hey Luke" He whispered.

"Michael you don't have to whisper every time you're in a hospital" I laugh and he glares.

"It's just I get scared she'll wake up and her eat drums will be broke"

"Michael she's heard you sing 'king for a day' on a microphone once. She'll be okay"

"That's true" He says smiling to the ceiling.

"What if she hates me when she wakes up?" I say looking to the ground in sadness after a while.


"What if she hates me for what I did?"

"She won't. If I Know Maddie like I hope I do, I know she'll forgive you when you explain it all to her" He gives me a hug and I nod.

"I'm going to get us some coffee to give you and Maddie some time alone. See you in a bit" I smile. I knew it wasn't fair that I was always there and so I gave him some alone. I walk alone and think. Maddie. What if she did hate me when she woke up? What if she never wants to see me again?

I sit on a chair near the room with the coffee for awhile so Michael could have some alone time with Maddie. Soon enough, I decide to go. I walk back with the coffee and hand one to Michael. He takes a sip and slides back in his chair.

"You make a good coffee Luke" He smiles. I knew he was just taking my mind off things because the coffee tastes like death.

"Don't lie, it sucks"

"I know, I'm sorry" He laughs and sits up.

"Michael, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah. Anything"

"How's Lena?"

"She's fine. Why do you ask?" He says sitting up a bit, on edge.

"She came over to give Maddie her jacket a while ago because she left it over yours and she was sick. I wanted I make sure it wasn't anything serious"

"No, she's okay. She just gets miserable like any girl. You know what I mean" He rolls his eyes.

"Good, I wouldn't want her to be ill or anything" I say gesturing to Maddie.

"No, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemies" He smiles and takes my hand.

"I hope she wakes up Mikey"

"She will. She's a strong one" He says and I believe him. She was strong and I felt like she would push through this.

"Can you do me a favour?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Can you help me sing one of Maddie's favourite songs by my chemical romance. She loves them"

"Course, I know them all. Which one?"

"Black parade"

'Luke that's about dying" He laughs.

"Oh... Uhhh..."

"Does she like famous last words?"

"Maybe... I think so..."

"I'll sing it for you because I doubt you know it"

Now I know
That I can't make you stay
But where's your heart?
But where's your heart?
But where's your...

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