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Luke's P.O.V-

I walk into the living room where Maddie was just touching up on her make up.

"You don't need that shit, you look perfect without it" I smile wrapping my arms around her.

"Yeah, to you. I look terrible without it to everyone else" She sighs and kisses my cheek.

"I think you look fine, now let us go" I smirk and pick her up.

"LUKE NO" She yells as I take her to the car. She gets into the drivers side and sets off for the meeting.

"Music please? I'm nervous" I say and she nods. I play some Good Charlotte as she continues to drive.

"So why am I invited? I thought this was a band meeting?"

"Yeah but it said on the email 'bring girlfriends, very important' so here you are" I fake smile. I was freaking out, why did they want the girls to attend?

"What if you have to fake date a celebrity for publicity? I've seen people do it, I read about it" Maddie says worried.

"They won't. Plus, I only want you and the fans know that"

"Yay, I get Luke Hemmings all to myself" She says parking. I kiss her cheek and she giggles like a school girl.

We get into the office and I see the rest of the band with their girlfriends. They all look excited but nervous like us. We sit down and they start the meeting. Half way through, I grab Maddie's hand as I was terrified on what he was going to say.

"So guys, you're all pretty famous and lots of your fans love you sooooooo.... THEY'VE BEEN NOMINATED FOR AN IHEART AWARD"

"WHAT?" I say smiling. The fans were going to have a chance to win an award!

"Yeah I know! Pretty cool. They're going to do great! Anyway, the reason I invited all of you. You boys need to go to the awards night so we decided, because we love you, we would pay for all 8 of you to fly out to L.A early and have a holiday" He says smirking.

"That's so amazing, thank you" Calum say hugging him. We all join in and he laughs.

"So you want to go?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Michael laughs and we all sit down again as he gives us all the details.

We then all drive to Michael's house as his parents weren't in and it was the best to just chill out in.

"I AM SO EXCITED" Ashton giggles hugging Hannah.

'Me too, I've never been to L.A" Anna smiles while kissing Calum's cheek.

"ASHTON YOU CAN MEET MY FAMILY" Hannah laughs and gives him a giant hug. I always forgot she was American.

"This is going to be amazing" I say to Maddie and kiss her.

"Lena, are you excited?" Michael asks but she continues to text.

"LENA" I shout and she glares at me.

"What Luke?" She sighs and Michael blinks slowly and angrily.

"Lena you fucking bitch, can you actually talk to me? I'm not dating you to watch you text"

"You called me a bitch?" She tears up.

"Talk to me then. God, no one cares about your tears, we've seen them enough" He says rolling his eyes.

"You're a dick Michael" She sighs and runs out.

"Drama queen" He laughs and we all sit awkwardly.


"So..." Ashton replies to Calum.

"Sorry guys, I ruined this moment of happiness"

"Don't worry Michael" I say and he sinks into the chair.

"Do I have to take her?"

"She's your girlfriend" I laugh.

"Just about" He laughs and we all join in.

The rest of the day, we all just sit and talk which I enjoy. I loved this band so much, we were all so close.



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