I will do what the hell I want

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Michael's P.O.V-

I take Maddie out of my garden as she had consumed so much alcohol she couldn't stand. I take her to my room and sit her on my bed. She fell asleep straight away and I sigh. I felt so bad for her, she just came and saw Luke kissing a girl.

"Mikey, please talk to me" Luke says walking in.

"Go away Luke, she's asleep"

"Please... I didn't want to! She threw herself on me and I... I..." He burst into tears.

"What Luke?" I say, suddenly feeling a bit bad for him, he never cries.

"I thought she was Maddie" He says and covers his face, dropping to the ground.

"Luke, it's okay" I say and go give him a hug.

"I was drunk so I fell for it. She wore a wig, a brown wig like Maddie's hair. She wore a red flannel and I remember Maddie wearing one with the cutest black shorts. She called me Hemmings just like Maddie does. She did exactly what Maddie did when she kisses me. She made me believe Maddie was there with me, she made me believe Maddie was ready...' He sighs, crying and I know I misjudged him.

"What the hell are you here for?" Maddie spits at him.

"Maddie, please let me-"

"No. Go away"

"I'm not leaving until I get to explain"

"I will leave then" She giggles.

"No Maddie, listen to Luke" I say and she raises her eyebrows.

"I will do what the hell I want" She says and stumbles out my house. We chase after her until she enters her car.

"Maddie! STOP" I scream. She couldn't drive, she could barely stand up! She begins to drive, not even near her side of the road. Ashton then pulls up and we get in, following her.

"There!" Luke shouts as we approach Maddie's car. Ashton stays behind her, leaving some room.

I keep my eyes locked on her car when I see her park. I was glad to know she was safe and hadn't crashed considering she was drunk. She didn't drive on the right side of the road but she was safe, it was really unusual. I'm just glad no one was on the road.

We park behind her and walk out towards the passenger seat, she was having a break down. I see luke bang on the window and she looks at him. She begins to cry ten times worse as she sees him.

That was when the car came out of no where. A car flies out of the shadows and smashes into her car, the metal flying at us.

I cover my eyes as the car breaks into a million pieces. I see Luke's face turn to pure shock. He had glass fragments stuck in his face and he had tears running down his cheeks. Her car had now caught fire, Maddie still inside. I go over to Luke to comfort him but he runs to the car. He opens the door and goes to Maddie.

"LUKE! Wait for the paramedics! Ashton just rung them, you might do more damage" I say and he shakes his head while sobbing. I climb in and take him out. He protests and yells but I get some help off Ashton and we keep him back.

Quite soon, the ambulance arrive and come over to us. Luke sees them and rushes over to Maddie to show them where she was.

"Which one is Ashton Irwin?"

"That's me" Ashton says and the paramedic smiles.

"You must be her boyfriend?"

"No, that's Luke. He's the blonde one they're trying to peel away from Maddie"

"Oh! I'll go chat with him" She says and walks over. I give Ashton a hug, I couldn't believe what we had just witnessed.

An hour later, after firemen came and put the fire out and cut Maddie out, Maddie was finally on her way to the hospital. They had caught the man driving and he was taken to the police station.

Ashton and I drive to the hospital as Luke had gone with Maddie in the ambulance. We run up to the ward Maddie is on and see the doctor.

"Any of you know where Luke is?"

"No idea, when did he go?"

"Well I told him to get the glass out of his face but he was yelling saying he couldn't leave. I'm guessing someone saw him and took him to get the glass out of his face"

"I'll go find out'"Ashton says and walks off.

"How is she?"

"She's unconscious. She'll be like this for a while, that is if she ever does wake up"

"If she does? She won't wake up?" I say in shock.

"I don't know. I'd say it's likely but not certain" He says and sighs. I sit down and Ashton comes over, Luke following. He had the glass taken out and just had plasters, he looked like a mummy. If it wasn't such a serious situation, I'd laugh but I knew now wasn't the time. The doctor takes Luke to the side so I explain Maddie's condition to Ashton.

"Seriously? She might never wake up?"

"He says she probably will but just in case we shouldn't pretend like it's certain. That makes me sad, Maddie didn't deserve this. Neither does Luke"

"He cheated on her though Michael"

"He did but he has a reason. She made him believe she was Maddie, he thought she was"

"What?" I hear Luke say and we run over. I comfort Luke as he cries. How could this happen to them?


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