Meeting Zayn again

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Maddie's P.O.V-

*2 weeks later*

I roll out of my bed and fall to the floor. I had been in London for 5 weeks now and I had finally found a small apartment to live in alone as Simon had found a boyfriend. We were still friends we just didn't live together. It was really pretty and was in the middle of London so I could get to work easily. I worked in a jewellery shop which was always busy.

"UGH" I say and get up. I look at the time and see it was 11. I didn't have work today so I had a day to myself, as usual. I quickly go to the kitchen and cook myself breakfast. It was quite lonely being all alone in a big apartment, I was thinking about buying a pet.

I go back to my room and plug my phone into the radio and it blasts my music. It automatically changes to 'Kill Me' by the pretty reckless which was currently my favourite song as it explained my situation right now.

I still wasn't over Luke and it had been 5 weeks. I kept the same phone as I had as I couldn't afford a new one but I kept seeing Luke's texts which hurt so I was saving up for a new phone. I missed him so much and it hurt me to know he wasn't mine anymore. I just wanted to see him.

A couple of minutes later, Simon texts me and tells me we were going shopping so I got ready. I tied my hair back and threw on an outfit.

I heard the door bell ringing so I went down and there he was. We left my house and he immediately takes me to the apple store.

"It's time"

"I don't think I'm ready" I say looking at my old phone.

"Why not? Come on, look how old it is" He laughs.

"Luke bought it for me though"

"It's been 5 weeks mads, you need to get over him. He's probably making out with a girl right now" I sigh and nod.

"But I can keep this phone?"

"Course, for music and photos. You seriously need a new phone though" He says dragging me in.

I walk around and see all the different types of phones. Simon was happy in places like this because he loved technology. I hated technology considering it was the reason Luke and I were over.

"Here. An iPhone 6. Perfect" He smiles and I nod.

"I guess" He runs over and I pay for it. Damn, phones were expensive. He takes me out of the shop and to every shop that we usually shop in. After an hour or so, Simon goes home and I continue to shop as I quite enjoyed shopping alone. I did it a lot when I ran away for a year.

I finish my shopping and go to the park. I sit on a bench and tears build up as I remember the date Luke and I had in London while on tour with one direction.

"Maddie?" I turn my head and see a man in a hoodie. I couldn't see his face but he sat down beside me anyway.

"Hi? Do I know you?"

"Of course, it's me" He pulls his hood down a bit and reveals his face, I instantly smile and recognise his accent.

"ZAYN" I say and wrap my arms around him.

"I missed you. What are you doing here?" He asks releasing me.

"Long story" I say rolling my eyes.

'Where's Luke?"

"Part of the long story" I giggle.

"I have time. Lets go back to my house and you can tell me" He smiles and I nod, wiping my eyes at the thought of Luke. We walk back to Zayn's house and it was huge. Well, it didn't surprise me considering he was part of one direction.

"Nice house" I say and he smiles.

"Thanks, took me a while to get. Tea or coffee?"


"From what I remember from tour, you like hot chocolate"

"That's usually what I drink. I'll just take water, don't worry"

"I have some, don't worry" I smile and sit down.

"Thanks Zayn" He smiles and sits beside me on his sofa.

"So, tell me this story"

"Where do I start?"

"The beginning helps" He jokes and I nod.

"I found a lot of their fans hating on me so I ignored it for a while but they got more threatening and I couldn't take it so I broke up with Luke. Now I'm in London" I sigh and begin to cry.

"Hey, come here" He says and pulls me into a hug.

"I miss him a lot Zayn. It's been 5 weeks"

"Love takes ages to heal, trust me"

"But he's probably over me already"

"Take your mind of it. Why don't we go out sometime next week? As friends of course. Just to help you get used to it"

"I'd like that" I smile and he hands me my hot chocolate. He smirks and we drink our drinks.

"What did you buy?"

"Some clothes, a lot of shoes and a phone"

"A phone? Yours is fine?" He says holding my old phone.

"Yeah but I wanted something different" I say and he smiles.

"Shall I help you set it up?" He laughs.

"Yeah I suck on technology" I laugh along with him.


Thank you for 3k I love you all

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