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Maddie's P.O.V-

*7 years later*

I grab my jacket and let out a small sigh of sadness. Today was the anniversary of Luke's death and it brought back so many painful memories.

"Mummy! I'm ready!" I hear little Hope say while running into my room.

"You look beautiful today Hope"

"It's my favourite dress. I have to look nice, it's the first day that I'm meeting daddy"

"I told you hope, you're not meeting daddy, you're visiting his grave"

"His grave?" She questions.

"It's a stone to represent him because he can't be here as much as he wants too" I say holding back my tears.

"So I won't meet him?"

"Sadly no, I'm sorry honey"

"Because he's in heaven? When will I meet him?"

"Not for a while yet but you will" I smile and help her put her shoes on.

"HEY LITTLE ONE" Michael says while tickling her on my bed. She laughs a lot and I smile.

"Hi uncle Michael, how are you? Your eyes are puffy" She says pouting. He gulps and sits on the bed.

"I'll be fine, just a sad day"

"It's the day daddy made his way to heaven mummy told me. Did you get to meet him?" She smiles and he looks at me awkwardly.

"Yeah I did, he was the sweetest person I ever met. We were best friends" He smiles.

"Why can't I meet daddy if you both did?" She says and I swallow my sadness.

"You just can't, you'll understand one day" I say and Michael smiles sympathetically.

"You were best friends?"

"We were in the same band as well. He used to sing and play guitar"

"You were in a band?"

"YEAH! We were awesome! Want to hear a song we wrote called English love affair? Your dad wrote it about mummy"

"No she doesn't" I say and grab Michael's phone. They both look at me and glare.

"Please mummy"

"When you're older" I say and Michael nods.

"Shit yeah, don't listen to it"

"BAD WORD" She shouts and points at Michael who holds his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry"

"Say the sorry poem Clifford" I say and he sighs. I made it as Hope had cursed by accident and I didn't want her saying them yet.

"Is it really necessary-"

"Say it or leave this house" Hope says folding her arms and I join in.

"Fine. I say, that one day, I will build up the courage, to not say that wordage" He says and we clap him. He looked so embarrassed but he laughed anyway.

"Well done Mikey" I say kissing his cheek and walk downstairs, Hope behind me.

I grab my coat and slide it on as Michael comes downstairs. I help Hope put her small coat on as she always struggled.

"Let's go" I smile and we walk to the car. I drive as Michael still hadn't learnt.

I slowly drive playing my favourite CD. Michael and Hope sing along with me as we get to the graveyard. It was very quiet which didn't surprise me as it was a cemetery.

I take Hope's hand as Michael gets the flowers out the car. He makes his way over to Luke's tombstone and we follow him.

"Here it is. Looks like Nana Liz has already been" I say noticing the red roses she always left.

"She loves those flowers doesn't she" Hope says smelling the flowers.

"Yeah she does. It used to be Luke's favourite"

"They're my favourite, Daddy and I have like the same things"

"That's because he's your dad" Michael says tapping her shoulder while smiling at her.

I take the flowers and slowly place them down in a nice place. I let a few tears out as I read his name. It still hurt me, 7 years on.

"Mummy?" She asks and I look at her.


'Hug?' I nod and get down to her level as she gives me a warm hug. I let more tears out and she sings a small lullaby that I sing to her when she's upset.

"Thank you Hope"

"I'm guessing daddy would've hugged you if you were upset"

"He would" I say as I see Michael tearing up. I walk over and give him a hug as he really needed it. He cries onto my shoulder and I join him.

"It still hurts, god help how you must be feeling" He says and I smile sadly.

"It's the worst" I laugh and he nods.

"But hey, you got Hope to help you and you'll always have me" He says as we turn to see her talking to the grave.

"And even though I never met you, I know you treated mummy nice and that makes me smile. Apparently, you were awesome, you probably were. Mummy always tells me how much you wanted to meet me so I'm sorry you couldn't. I hope that you're having fun in heaven, one day I'll be there with you and we can have a party in the sky! Don't worry, I'm looking after mummy and uncle Michael for you. Mummy cries for you everyday but Michael is helping her. I love you even though I never met you, I really do love you" She hugs the tombstone and my heart feels all weird.

I tear up and Michael grabs my hand as she kisses his tombstone.

"Just like you, the sweetest girl ever"

"She follows after her dad" I smile with tears in my eyes.

"You okay?' She says walking over to us.

"I'm okay, I'm so proud of the little girl you've become" I smile and take her hand.

"Thank you, I hope daddy would be proud of me too" She says and gets in the car.

"He would, he definitely would" I say as I think about Luke. This is all he'd ever want and I really wish he could see his child grow up. I loved Luke and I missed him everyday, he was the most amazing person that has ever stepped on this world.


So there you go! Secrets is finished! I hope you enjoyed it!

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