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Calum's P.O.V-

*3 years later*

"I'll go" I say as Ashton complains about always buying is coffee.

"Sure? I can go" Luke says while standing up.

"It's alright, I don't mind"

"Do you even know where you're going?"

"It's not that hard to find a coffee shop in London Luke" He nods and sits bad down. I grab my coat and slide it on as Anna comes over.

"Want me to come Cal?"

"No, you stay here. It's snowing out, I'll be okay alone guys" I laugh.

"Okay fine. Don't freeze to death" She says kissing my cheek several times. I open the door and quickly walk I the nearest cafe. I go in and quickly order 7 coffees as usual.

"Well, this one looks okay, what do you think Zayn? Zayn?" I turn around and my eyes open wide. It couldn't be... Could it?

"CALUM? CALUM HOOD?" Maddie says while coming over and hugging me.

"What? You're here? You actually here?" I say and she nods. It had been 3 years, what were the odds that I'd see her again.

"Crazy isn't it?! How are you?" She smiles at me.

"I'm okay, just bought a new house with Anna in Australia"

"Congratulations! So what are you doing in London?"

"We have some meetings about tour and stuff"

"A tour!? That's amazing Cal! I'm so happy for you"

"Thank you Mads"

"How is everyone else?" She smiles to the ground.

"Ashton got a new girlfriend, Hannah, and he's happy with her. Michael is still with Lena who is still a bitch as usual but hey, he admitted she's one! And Luke... Still single, hasn't had a single girl since you left. He's doing okay"

"He hasn't?"

"No, he's still waiting for you even though you're.. ya know..." I could see tears in her eyes. She still loved him, I could tell.

"Even though I'm with Zayn?" She cringed as she said it.

"Anyway, how are you?"

"Okay" She fakes a smile.

"Fake smile. Truth please" I say sitting her down as my coffees weren't ready yet. Zayn hadn't even noticed that she was with me, he obviously didn't care.

"It's the relationship. I feel like it's not working. I mean, he's sweet and he's really kind but he doesn't put effort in anymore"

'What do you mean?'

"Ever since we've been engaged, he's stop going out with me and he doesn't talk to me much. All he does is text we I checked the phone bills last week, all to this one girl"

"What the hell?"

"I know"

"Aw mad, I'm sorry"

"It's my fault, I started dating him. Plus, I still cry over hurting Luke which he finds weird"

"Why don't to leave? Come back with me"

"I can't. The wedding is next week and he promised to make a better effort"

"Order for Mr Calum Hood is ready!" The man calls out and Maddie wipes a tear that had fallen.

"I'll be fine, get your coffee" She smiles and goes back to Zayn. I take the coffees and see her sigh in her chair. Zayn was texting and she was just looking through wedding stuff. She looked miserable and alone. I wave as I leave and run back to the hotel, the coffee falling but I didn't care because I needed to tell Luke.

I get inside and they all stare. I had tears flowing down my cheeks as I wanted to help Maddie but I couldn't and I knew Luke was going to go crazy when he found out. Anna comes over and gives me a giant hug as she was worried

"Where are the coffees and why are you crying? You're freezing!" Anna says and I sigh.

"She... She just.... Sat there..."

"Who? Who sat there?"

"... Maddie..." I felt the whole room turn into sadness as I say her name. Anna comes over and wipes my tears away.

"Did she say anything to you?" Luke asks excitedly and I nod.

"She asked me about you and all of us. That was it"

"Is she still... Engaged?" I saw pain cover his whole face as he said it.

"Yeah but she's not happy. She wants to leave she just can't. She wouldn't come here with me. She's stuck" I see Luke run out the door and we all follow him.

"LUKE" I yell but he keeps running. He got to the cafe I bought coffee in and stop outside. I go behind him and see the table empty, nothing but an empty coffee cup. He runs out the shop and we follow him.

"I missed her. Fuck" He walks off and hits the wall angrily. I go over and we all cool down.

"Luke, she's not your girlfriend anymore. She's Zayn's fiancee"


"But she's not yours to love"

"I want her back" He says and slides his back against the wall. He covers his face with his hands and I sigh.

"You'll find someone eventually" I smile and he shakes his head.

"But they'll never be as good as her. She's my everything Calum" I sigh. He was right, she was his everything. I wanted it to work out for them but it just couldn't.

"Luke, she's getting married next week and she just bought the dress. Zayn tweeted" Anna says and gives him a hug.

"We'll have to do something, I can't let her marry someone if she's going to regret it" I looked down to the floor. I knew Luke missed her but I thought he was slowly getting over her.


I want to hug Luke Hemmings, I need it right now😞😣


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