Beach times with luke

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Luke's P.O.V-

I sit alone on my phone. I hear Maddie singing in the bathroom doing her make up and I join her.


"Hey, what are you doing?" She giggles while I sit on the edge of the bath.

"Nothing. I got bored so I came to see you" I smile and grab my water bottle. She doesn't notice and I throw it over her.

"LUKE WHAT THE HELL?" She says and give me the biggest glare ever.

"I told you, you look much better without makeup"

"Why the hell would you do that? I can't go out without wearing it. I'll have to start again. You're such a dick Luke" She sighs. I grab her waist and pull her into me. She tries to get out of my grip but I keep her in my grasp.

"Luke let go of me! Are you trying to annoy me on purpose?" She whines.

"Stop struggling and hug me"

"No, I'm mad at you"

"Please, you're freezing"

"IT'S YOUR FAULT" She says angrily and tries to get away.

"Mads, you don't even need make up to the date we're going on"

"Yes I do, I'm disgusting" She sighs and stops struggling wrapping her arms around me. I kiss the top of her head and she cuddles into me. We go back into the hotel room where I plug the hairdryer in. She smiles and heats herself up.

"I'm still mad at you" She says turning it off. I grab a towel and wrap it around her shoulders pretending it's a cape.

"Now you're super mad" She tries to keep a straight face but she laughs.

"You're such a dork" I smile to the ground and nod.

"I am"

"But I love you dork" She says planting kisses on my neck. I kiss her cheek and pull off.

"We got to go before it gets too busy" She nods and changes. I put on a plain outfit with my swimming shorts underneath. I see Maddie come out looking beautiful as usual and I smirk.

"How do you look so good? It's like 10 am" She says and hugs me.

"You look perfect what are you talking about?" I laugh.

"You have to say that, you're dating me"

"Why do you think I'm dating you?"

"For the money I don't have" She grins and gets up.

"You know it"

"Wait, you're only with me because of my looks?" She looked at me confused. I shake my hand and she looks sad.

"I love you for everything is what I meant. You're the most beautiful and you're the sweetest person I've ever met. I don't love you for your looks, I love you for you" She wipes her eyes and I pull her into a hug.

"That's the most amazing thing anyone has ever said to me. I love you so much Luke Hemmings"

"I love you more Madeline Day" She jumps on my back and I give her a piggy back all the way to the beach while singing disconnected because it's her favourite. We get to the beach and I see a text from Calum.

1 Message from Calum:

'Always look behind you when giving your girlfriend a piggy back, cute singing btw :-)'

I look at Maddieconfused as she watches something on her phone. I look over her shoulder and see a video of us walking to the beach.

"How cute are you" She smirks and goes onto the beach.

"Very" I say and follow her. The whole beach was empty so we just walked around. I take her to the sea and she looks at me confused.

"What?" She asks.

"Splash me. I did it this morning so it's your turn" She smirks and clicks her fingers.

"I'll enjoy this" She laughs and I clench my teeth.

"I won't" I say and close my eyes. I feel a wave of cold salt water hit my chest and I flinch.

"SHIT" She shouts and I open my eyes when I see a rock flying towards me. I try to move but it's too fast. It hits my cheek and I immediately feel pain rushing to my face.

"Why did you just throw a rock at me?" I say sad.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. It was with the water"

"Of course" I joke and she pulls me out the water. She touches my cut and it stings. I see her hand covered in blood and I get scared.

"Let's take you to hospital" She says and I nod. I hated blood and I knew she did too. She goes pale and I get scared.

"Maddie, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm not good with blood, I'll ring Michael" She says and I nod. As much as I loved her, she was hopeless at this kind of thing.

Soon enough, Michael comes and helps us. We call a taxi and they get here quickly. We get to the hospital and I get checked it. Luckily it was nothing serious.

I leave with Michael and Maddie. We drive back to the hotel in silence. As we arrive, we all get out and see fans. I slide my shirt on and we go out.

'What happened to Luke's face?'

'Is he okay?'


'I hope you're okay'

I go back to our room and change into some comfy clothes along with Maddie who still hadn't said anything since Michael came.


"Ummhmm" She smiles, tears in her eyes.

"It's okay, don't cry" I pull her into a hug and she cries.

"I'm such an idiot"

"It's not serious, don't worry. Its a little scratch" I kiss her and she sighs.

"I'm so sorry"

"You got me back for this morning" I wink and she giggles.

"I am so sorry, how is it?"

"I can't even feel any pain, all is good" I smile and so does she.



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