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Maddie's P.O.V-

*1 week later*

I grab my last suitcase and bring it into the car as Luke says goodbye to all his family.

"Stop loading the car and say goodbye, you're part of this family now" Andrew says and I join their group hug.

"Congratulations to you both getting a house, I really hope it goes well" Jack smiles at us.

"Thanks Jack, much appreciated" Luke smiles and hugs him again.

Luke and I get into the car and I take Luke's hand in mine. I instantly get nervous and grip onto his hand hard.

"It'll be okay" He smiles and kisses my cheek. We wave as we set off to our new house.

"I'm so excited I'm just so nervous as well' I say and put my head on his shoulder while he smiles at.

"This is going to be so fun, I can already feel it" He giggles and I nod. The thought of having my own house with Luke gave me butterflies and felt unreal yet it was happening in less than 30 minutes.

"Here we are, let's get your stuff out" The driver says smiling and we jump out.

I catch my first glimpse of the house and see the beauty it holds. The frame looked set to perfection. The house looked simple but damn it was amazing, I felt like I was on a film.

"Opinions?" Luke says before we go to help.

"It's the most amazing house I've ever seen" I giggle and he nods.

"It's so perfect for us" He kisses my cheek and we go to help the man take our stuff into our house. It was so unreal. Finally, after 2 hours, all our bags were in and the man left. Luke and I decided to get a start at unpacking and began with the living room.

"We don't have any furniture yet, what are we going to do?" He laughs.

"Only in the living room, we have other furniture Luke. It's coming tomorrow, don't worry" I say and he laughs.

"It better be" He pulls me into a hug and smirks.

"What are you thinking Hemmings?"

"Something" He says and takes boxes upstairs while unpack downstairs.

After a couple of hours, I feel exhausted and nearly collapse with tiredness so we stop. I sit on the kitchen top and Luke runs in happily. He gives me a hug and I look at him confused.

"Why are you so hyper?"

"It's this house. I just want to dance and sing with you all day" He giggles and grabs my waist. He pulls me out of my sitting position and hugs me tightly making me feel all cosy inside.

"You're so adorable Luke, I love you" I kiss his lips gently and he smiles.

"I love you too" He nuzzles his head into my neck and I laugh.

"Stop that it tickles" I say laughing and he smiles at me.

"Let's do something fun"

"Such as?" I laugh at how excited he was today.

"DANCE PARTY" He grabs his phone and plugs it in. He presses shuffle and begins to dance. The only thing he unpacks is our docking station, typical Luke.

'You're only happy when I'm wasted, I point my finger but I just can't place it'

He grabs my hands an pulls me into a dance with him as we both sing along. I laugh at how happy Luke was and it made me feel amazing.

"I know you love this one mads" He winks and bites his lip.

"Stop KILLING ME" I say and he smirks.

"I can't stop woah and I won't stop woah" He winks again while singing Miley Cyrus' song.

"I hate you"

"No you love me" He says and forcefully presses his lips to mine. I join in and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Luke, I love you" I say before we kiss again.

"I love you too" He smiles and kisses me again before I play with his hair. I jump down and pant, I was so unfit, I couldn't even kiss my boyfriend without getting tired.

I see Luke grinning and I wonder what he was thinking. He comes closer to me and kisses my neck.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Just tell me if you want me to stop" He says and I shake my head.

"I don't want to stop" I reply, grabbing his ring and throw it while jumping onto him. He kisses me once more before taking me upstairs onto our new bed, I was so excited for this moment.


😶😶😶 the ending is my favourite part of this whole fan fic...

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