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Eden PoV

I knew it sounded crazy, even as the words fell from my mouth I could hear how insane it sounded.

'They want our babies' of course it sounded like the most ridiculous thing!

Yet Jace's father was suppose to have died years ago, people around us were being cast with magical spells making them do things they'd never usually of done.

I was a walking, talking taser, and there seemed to something new and utterly bonkers and unbelievable that occurred every other day this last few months.

So did this really sound so out of the realm of possibilities? No. As much as I hated to admit it to myself. No, it didn't at all.

I didn't have a shred of proof to back up my claim but  there was a strong feeling in my gut, an overwhelming sense of certainty in my mind that this was the true goal of our fathers evil factor.

"The babies?" Blake uttered, a real sense of horror in his tone as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"What would they possibly want with two newborn babies?" Jace questioned pinching the bridge of his nose like he always did when he was trying to absorb information of this magnitude.

The air in the room seemed heavier since I'd shared my thoughts on the true intentions of our fucking, frenzied fathers and by this point it felt almost suffocating.

"They want to kill them. But not until they've taken their blood" Blake was the first one to figure it out.

"The three of us are fairly unique when you put us together. An alpha wolf. A wolf, vampire hybrid with alpha blood in her veins. Then Blake, one of the original bloodlines of the vampire race.  I'm not even sure how it was possible I got pregnant in the first place. But our twins, our babies are so special, Two incredibly powerful fathers blood running through their veins, two dads, not one!!" I couldn't help but smile as I spoke about my mates.

Even during the worst of times their love could still make my heart flutter and a smile drift across my lips.

I was so proud to be the mother of their children, even if I wasn't anywhere near as special as they were. They had chosen me of all the supernatural beings in the world to carry their babies.


"So why would you even dream of suggesting you get involved in the attack on them when you are still pregnant?" Blake frowned, thin lines creasing his forehead, it was clear he didn't like that idea.

"Whatever is protecting us whilst I'm pregnant means the babies are safest right now while they are still inside me. Nobody can be sure what will happen to this taser thing after I give birth so they could be far more vulnerable then. I know it sounds mad but I honestly think it's the only way we can succeed" My voice was strong as I prepare to argue my case further because I truly believed in what I was saying.

"Plus the last thing anyone will be expecting is this. They will never expect you both to go ahead with this type of plan whilst I'm pregnant. I know you're both gonna fight me on this but-" there I was already to add to my argument for my plan when I was cut of by Jace who winked at me, no doubt due at the the stunned, open mouth look I could feel fall upon my face as I stared up at him in shock.

"Eden's right, I don't like it but she's right. They won't expect this for a second, so it's when they will be at their weakest. But it's our job to ensure your safety, love. That I won't compromise on. If you're safe, the babies are safe!" Jace said firmly before planting a playful kiss on my still open mouth.

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