Goodbye to you

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Goodbye to you - Michelle Branch

⚠️a/n pls listen to the song to get a feel for the mood of the chapter and characters in this moment! I cried so hard writing this one so I hope you feel it too. Thank you so much⚠️

Skylar and Harry left just after sunrise and saying goodbye to them was so damn hard it was like a piece of me had cracked in two but I was stay here, still standing. But for how long I couldn't say.

Blake got me as close as he could and sat in the car telling me to take as much time as I needed and every step towards the Silverhaven pack territory seemed so much harder than the last.

I had so many things I wanted to say to Jace face to face. So many reasons why I understood his rejection but when I saw him striding out of the packhouse closely followed by a group of , who I guessed were his best warriors from the size of their muscular bodies, nothing I could do would move my feet an inch closer towards him.

The tree line was hiding me from his view and I knew he couldn't recognise my scent with so many others blending into the air but no matter how strong that pull was to go go him, to run and throw myself at his feet and beg him to change his mind and accept me as his mate I was stuck. The ground had cemented me frozen whilst the tree roots tangled around my body and kept me it's prisoner. It was like mother nature was trying her best to protect me from anymore heartbreak.

But as I continued to watch that incredible man ordering his men around with such a powerful aura swelling around him I realised that there were no words that would make things okay.

Nothing we did or said at this point could make saying goodbye easier.

Hell he could just rip my throat out there and then if that look of disgust on his face right before I left me after finding out Sawyers plans had been anything to go on.

I'd never grown up wishing to have the perfect mate and to fall in love, to be loved I just wanted to be a strong warrior and serve my pack as best I could.

But the day Jace Anderson Walker into my life was the day I began to want that fairytale. I wanted my happy ever after.

Goddess I deserved it after what my own brother did to me didn't I??

When Jace looked at me with those mesmerising blue eyes it was like nothing was impossible or out of reach anymore. He gave me hope that things would be okay, good even.

The lightest of touches from him made me feel like I was floating on air and all the pain seemed to dissipate from my being like he drew out the bad and replaced it was joy.

He made me feel like I was breathing for the first time, my lungs were finally filled with oxygen and my heart was blooming would want, desire, lust and love.

Love was suppose to be all unicorns, sparkles and rainbows. Roses and chocolate. Warmth and strength.

Yet now I felt nothing but coldness, hurt and weak. I felt more weak than Sawyer ever made me even when he near on killed me.

Love was lovely. If only for a week of flirtation and fun. That devilish glint in his eyes that made me melt into him and not want to stop. Just a week I'd known him and yet I felt like he knew me better than I knew myself.

Just a week he knew me and he'd managed to hurt me more than anyone else had in my entire life.

In just a week he'd probably have forgotten my name.

In just a week I prayed this pain would have gone away.

Because if it didn't I don't think I'd make it through another week.

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